MUST have been a man's idea...

Nurses General Nursing


As a nursing student, I am required to wear white scrubs when I work in the hospital. Most of the time, that is ok, and I am just very thankful that we dont have to wear uniforms, but today it is raining!!! My scrubs are made out of pretty thick cotton, visa treated, and are comfortable, but when they get wet, I might as well be wearing plastic wrap! You can see right through them. Plus, once a month, the ABSOLUTE LAST thing I want to do is wear white pants!!!! Must have been a man's idea :) I dont think one woman would start that trend. Flo wore dark blue and black... I think she had the right idea :)

I think, when I graduate, I am going to tie-dye my white sets...

I have to work in CCU/ICU tonight from 6-10, tomorrow I think I am going to go invest in a rain-coat. And umbrella only works so well :)


what the heck were those caps anyway?

they didnt hold your hair in place. they just decorated your head.

anybody know where that cap thing came from?

i used to work with two nurses that refused to give up the caps. i could never get a straight answer from either of them when i asked why.

i think we should wear one of those rotating lights on our heads like the kmart bluelights but maybe in red.

White....How totally archaic!!!!!!CAPS......We are no longer handmadiens!!!!!! I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't wear hospital issue scrubs!!!!!:rolleyes: I agree with frustartedRN on this one...the red flashing lights would be a good touch.

When I was hired at my current job, I asked what colors do I need to buy. They said "Black and Blue". I thought they were joking since that is what a large majority of the patients look like after car wrecks, ag assaults, etc. I'm looking like a jerk when I respond, laughing, "No, really!" (DUH). She was very serious. We can wear black or royal blue or a combination of both. When we were all black, we call ourselves Ninja Nurses. Of course, I always wonder what the poor patients think about their nurses looking morbid. The reasoning behind the distinct colors is that we are a teaching hospital. At anytime, we have interns, med students, nursing students, paramedic students, etc. in our emergency room. Everyone knows who the nurses are. No one else is allowed to wear our colors. If we have a problem, we always ask what was the person wearing? I helps alot. It also hides all the pretty colors that appear on us by the end of the night!

It also helps if the Officers of the Law pull us over. If we are wearing our black and blue, they know where we work and just tell us to slow down.....not that we would ever go over the speed limit ;)


that would be my dream uniform color. it sure would hide the coffee stains or pepsi stains i get. (always spilling things

in our hospital nurses and doctors wear white.

the assistants wear light blue

and the transport wears royal blue

secretaries wear dark blue

techs and er wear a funky color green.

the rest of the staff wears reg blue scrubs.

i can never remember seeing black scrubs at any of the uniform stores around here.

Landau carries them, althought they are few and far between.I usually have to order mine from PRN. They are also in the mail catalogues.

:eek: i'm glad you all wear the all white scrubs too. we hate it and we thought we were the only ones. we call ourselves little clouds. we stand out so much. our year they changed it. the years before us had royal blue and i think that was so much better. i understand what you mean by the once a month thing. luckily i can;t recall it ever raining when i have worn mine yet. knock on wood! i think tie dying it is a great idea. i just may do that myself or sell them to another student. cause i hate them personally!!!

... gloating is just so ugly.... but I am sooooooooooo glad that I can wear scrubs of any color, or pattern, Street clothes as long as they are tasteful and jeans, as long as they are any color except blue. However, on Friday we can wear blue jeans as it is called "ultra casual day" The only thing that drives me nuts is wearing my name badge with this really most unflattering picture of myself.... I look like one of my derranged patients....and I also hate keeping up with a key ring of 10 keys... I work at a State Mental Hosp, and it gives me anxiety when I temporarily misplace them and find them in the wrong pocket. LOL

speaking of jeans. why do you think so many places are against denim. if they are not tight/tattered. denim covers way better than thin white what you don't want seen. denim scrubs are the same fit as other scrubs--so what's the problem???????? it is just another material-not a symbol of casualty.

Tiger, I asked that very same question at a nurses meeting about Blue denim and was told that it was not permitted because it looked very unprofessional and too comman, the DON and Administer said it made use look like we were out to dig ditches....I thought, hmmmm, what a stooopid answer!

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Check out the post: Judging a nurse "by it's cover " thread at Nursing Advocacy forumn.

Putting me in white even for a short time is a mistake. I am a magnet for anything that doesn't belong on a uniform. I dread doing clinicals all day wearing a white uniform. I'll have to keep a spare with me.

CAPS? Caps originally designated which school you were from. Ours are "Flossies", little lace things, but we don't get them because nobody makes them anymore. Thank goodness.

RNs wear white pants and shirt. We also have to wear a jacket or vest that the whole unit wears

Nurse Techs wear khaki and the jacket

Secretaries wear navy and the jacket

I have to admit that it looks nice and the patients like being able to tell who is who

I hate wearing the white but atleast we have great jackets that hang low:D

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