MTSU or TSU nursing program...


Hey gang-

I have to choose between TSU or MTSU's nursing programs by July. I've basically been accepted "unoffically" into the their programs. The problem is I don't know which is the better fit. TSU is soooo much closer and I would save tons of money in gas if I went there. However, it kinda has a bad reputation from people I've talked to. MTSU on the other hand has an outstanding nursing facility, but the drive is soooooo far (how manys days is nursing school anyway?). They also require lots of paperwork- it's ridiculous! The pros of MTSU is I would start this spring semester. TSU I wouldn't get to start until next fall.

If you guys have any information about these schools or could give me some advice please let me know ASAP!


Specializes in ER, Pediatric Transplant, PICU.

I would say that you need to compare the two just based on statistics, not from word of mouth. Look at NCLEX pass rates, compare the drive times vs gas money vs when you will graduate. Honestly, if TSU is anything like my nursing school, people have bad things to say about it because it was hard and they failed. But it produces wonderful nurses and has an excellant NCLEX pass rate, and employers want to hire people that graduate from my school. But you can throw a rock and hit somebody that has bad things to say.

Honestly, if the other one is far away, you may be setting yourself up for failure, simply because NS takes up a lot of time, and clinicals are typically set up around the school, which sometimes means you have to be there a 0645 and its even furthur away from the school.

Just keep and open mine and choose what is best for you. Good luck! :)

Specializes in Gerontology, nursing education.

Moving to Tennessee Programs Discussions to elicit responses from those familiar with the schools.

I am in the nursing program at MTSU now. I live in Nashville and TSU is closer for me as well. I carpool with another student, and 1st semester we just had classes MTW. Second semester we have MT classes, and clinical will either be W or Th - in Murfreesboro, Hermitage, or Hendersonville. Not sure what the days are for the other 3 semesters though. It takes us 25-30 minutes to get there and we've gotten used to it.. not bad at all. Plus it's going against traffic so there is no traffic. And it's been VERY valuable to be able to quiz each other and study in the car on test days. Personally I feel it's worth it for a program with a better reputation. I have a friend in the program at TSU also, and she says what I have heard before - the administrative offices there are very unorganized & frustrating to deal with. Good luck! I'll be happy to help with any other questions you may have. :)

I am in the nursing program at MTSU now. I live in Nashville and TSU is closer for me as well. I carpool with another student, and 1st semester we just had classes MTW. Second semester we have MT classes, and clinical will either be W or Th - in Murfreesboro, Hermitage, or Hendersonville. Not sure what the days are for the other 3 semesters though. It takes us 25-30 minutes to get there and we've gotten used to it.. not bad at all. Plus it's going against traffic so there is no traffic. And it's been VERY valuable to be able to quiz each other and study in the car on test days. Personally I feel it's worth it for a program with a better reputation. I have a friend in the program at TSU also, and she says what I have heard before - the administrative offices there are very unorganized & frustrating to deal with. Good luck! I'll be happy to help with any other questions you may have. :)


What time are your classes? That doesn't sound so bad if it's only 3 days a week.

Also, what does your friend say about the teachers at TSU - does he/she feel like they're getting a good education?

This spring it was: Monday 9:10 - 11:15 am, then lab from 12:40-2:40 pm, Tuesday 8 - 11:15 am, Wednesday 8 - 11:15 am, then one from 11:30 - 12:25. This fall it will be: Monday 8 - 11:15 am, then 12:40 - 3:55, Tuesday 8 - 11:15 am, then 12:15 - 2:25, then clinical will be 6:45 am - 3:30 pm either on Wed or Thurs.

I will ask my friend who goes to TSU when I get back in town. I'm out of town for the holiday weekend. I'll hopefully get ahold of her tomorrow and post again :).

Hey, I'm also interested in MTSU' s program. I would be a second degree student. Do you know if MTSU or any of the other Nashville schools offer summer semesters for nursing other than the accelerated programs (they are too expensive)? Also very interested in the schedules. Are most semesters only 3 days a week? Thanks!

Hey, I'm also interested in MTSU' s program. I would be a second degree student. Do you know if MTSU or any of the other Nashville schools offer summer semesters for nursing other than the accelerated programs (they are too expensive)? Also very interested in the schedules. Are most semesters only 3 days a week? Thanks!

I am 33 and a second degree student as well. I also didn't go with the accelerated programs in the area because of cost (also because I knew how stressful nursing school would be and I felt breaks would be important, and they throw information at you so fast anyway - I was afraid it would be harder to retain that way). I only know about first and second semester so far, and they are 3 days/week. Unfortunately the program at MTSU doesn't continue in the summers. I don't think any of the non-accelerated programs do.


What time are your classes? That doesn't sound so bad if it's only 3 days a week.

Also, what does your friend say about the teachers at TSU - does he/she feel like they're getting a good education?

I listed my class times in a post a couple days ago (just in case you didn't see that one ;)). I checked with my good friend who is at TSU. She's in the Associates program there. They also have a BSN program. She said if you are looking at the BSN program she'd recommend MTSU over TSU. She said her teachers are "not bad," but she said there are mostly different teachers for the BSN program. She also said the grading scale is 92-100 A, 84-91 B. Ours at MTSU is 90-100 A, 82-29 B.

NCLEX pass rates are here:

There are different rates for TSU's associates vs. BSN program.

TSU's main administration is not very organized and can be unfriendly -- keep copies of all paperwork submitted. However, I have not had any major issues with the staff in the Nursing dept.

The NCLEX passing rate is expected to improve - changes are supposedly being made to better equip the students. I recommend right now that TSU Nursing provide the students with open tutoring hours beyond the first semester and modify their grading scale.

It is not fair that different schools in the area have different grading scales. A 80 is a B for all of TSU except the Nursing program's B is an that how they "weed out" their students? Why can the university follow one grading scale and the Nursing school follow a different one? It should be comparable to what other Nursing programs allow. I believe that this put TSU graduates (that pass the NCLEX the 1st time, of course) at a major GPA disadvantage to other graduates when it comes to job hunting.

TSU Nursing gets a bad rap for various reasons. Some classmates have complained about some of the staff giving preferential treatment, but I haven't seen this firsthand. The staff I've encountered is mostly pleasant to deal with.

I'd go with TSU over MTSU if you think that the distance will matter. The truth is, many students that attend TSU could have easily attended other schools if they wanted. Usually, the location and $ make their minds. In fact, I was accepted at a local private school and turned it down due to lack of funds.

Good luck with your decision!

TSU's main administration is not very organized and can be unfriendly -- keep copies of all paperwork submitted. However, I have not had any major issues with the staff in the Nursing dept.

The NCLEX passing rate is expected to improve - changes are supposedly being made to better equip the students. I recommend right now that TSU Nursing provide the students with open tutoring hours beyond the first semester and modify their grading scale.

It is not fair that different schools in the area have different grading scales. A 80 is a B for all of TSU except the Nursing program's B is an that how they "weed out" their students? Why can the university follow one grading scale and the Nursing school follow a different one? It should be comparable to what other Nursing programs allow. I believe that this put TSU graduates (that pass the NCLEX the 1st time, of course) at a major GPA disadvantage to other graduates when it comes to job hunting.

TSU Nursing gets a bad rap for various reasons. Some classmates have complained about some of the staff giving preferential treatment, but I haven't seen this firsthand. The staff I've encountered is mostly pleasant to deal with.

I'd go with TSU over MTSU if you think that the distance will matter. The truth is, many students that attend TSU could have easily attended other schools if they wanted. Usually, the location and $ make their minds. In fact, I was accepted at a local private school and turned it down due to lack of funds.

Good luck with your decision!

omg! I hate that TSU does it's grading scale that about more pressure for the student. I have until Aug to decide which school I'm gonna go to--wish me luck!

omg! I hate that TSU does it's grading scale that about more pressure for the student. I have until Aug to decide which school I'm gonna go to--wish me luck!

I talked to my friend again tonight, and actually an A is 93 and up! so frustrating that schools are different. I like that MTSU stuck with 90-100 A. Good luck making your decision! :up:

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