Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. Sac) ADN Program Fall 2024

Hello! Made this topic because I haven’t seen one yet. Let’s all keep each other posted for this cohort! Nursing Students School Programs

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Made this topic because I haven't seen one yet. Let's all keep each other posted for this cohort!

JimmyL said:

Thank you so much for researching and listing the good and bad! I am going to consider the points you made. Right now, one of my classmates who got accepted to Rio Hondo last cycle told me that the program is pretty hard, and he is barely passing. He passed all his science pre-reqs with As. Another friend of mine who is studying in Mt Sac right now has no issues so far. 

I got both Rio and MT.SAC offer. I chose Mt.SAC, even though RHC is only 10 minutes away from me, Mt. Sac is 25 minutes away. I took all my pre-rec at MT.sac, but I never went to RHC. So I drove to  RHC the day I got my offer, and I felt I did the right thing. I stay at RHC for one hour, went to the science building, student center, admin building, then find out I prefer MT.SAC campus vibe. 

Regarding the passing rate, considering the following things: COVID, if the school kick out lots of student on purpose ( so the passing rate is kept high), total number of students that take the NCLEX each year ( for public school, the more students they can admit each year, means the better the school, cause they have enough funds/recourses/professors).


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Berryberrygood said:

I got both Rio and MT.SAC offer. I chose Mt.SAC, even though RHC is only 10 minutes away from me, Mt. Sac is 25 minutes away. I took all my pre-rec at MT.sac, but I never went to RHC. So I drove to  RHC the day I got my offer, and I felt I did the right thing. I stay at RHC for one hour, went to the science building, student center, admin building, then find out I prefer MT.SAC campus vibe. 

Regarding the passing rate, considering the following things: COVID, if the school kick out lots of student on purpose ( so the passing rate is kept high), total number of students that take the NCLEX each year ( for public school, the more students they can admit each year, means the better the school, cause they have enough funds/recourses/professors).


Another thing is Rio Hondo has a bridge program to physical college for BSN degree, and mt sac is online school for BSN. I want to know if a BSN degree from online school would impact my chances to get in to master degree in nursing later on, or it doesn't matter since a degree is a degree.

JimmyL said:

Another thing is Rio Hondo has a bridge program to physical college for BSN degree, and mt sac is online school for BSN. I want to know if a BSN degree from online school would impact my chances to get in to master degree in nursing later on, or it doesn't matter since a degree is a degree.

I know that mtsac last cohort kicked 7 students out by first semester....

Kendra3267 said:

I know that mtsac last cohort kicked 7 students out by first semester....

wait OMG do you know why ? 👀

sumerrrr said:

wait OMG do you know why ? 👀

They didn't pass fundamentals twice 

Hiiii, does anyone know if we wait to register for classes (till orientation)? Or did we have to do it already?! 

Specializes in Student.
Nayyo said:

Hiiii, does anyone know if we wait to register for classes (till orientation)? Or did we have to do it already?! 

I was an alternate during last cycle and went to the orientation. I believe it is after the orientation you register for classes, but they let u know during the orientation. 

heyyyy after emailing a confirmation that you're going to attend in the fall and attend the orientation did you guys get a response? Like to confirm that they got your email? 

Specializes in Student.
sumerrrr said:

heyyyy after emailing a confirmation that you're going to attend in the fall and attend the orientation did you guys get a response? Like to confirm that they got your email? 

I got my email of confirmation. Do you mean you send the email to confirm and they never reply you?

JimmyL said:

I got my email of confirmation. Do you mean you send the email to confirm and they never reply you?

oh okay good. I checked and I see mine too 

Specializes in Student.

Hi, did anyone receive the email regarding more information for the orientation? 

JimmyL said:

Hi, did anyone receive the email regarding more information for the orientation? 

No, I haven't gotten anything /: they said the ending of May we would be getting more info on orientation, right ?

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