to Ms. Suzanne and others.... question please help.


Will I encounter any problem if I don't take the Philippine board exam or obtain a license in my country ? I'm a BSN graduate and I plan to have my credentials evaluated by CGFNS for the state of NY. I'm gathering all my documents already and plan to send it to CGFNS by the end of this month. I haven't taken the Philippine board exam yet. Will I encounter any problem with CGFNS if I don't take the local boards ? Will it delay my credential evaluation ? Will the New York State Education Department issue me an eligibility letter to take the NCLEX if I don't have license to practice in my country ? I had read a thread in this forum similar to my question. I want to make sure as not to waste money before having things started. Another thing is, in obtaining a Visa Screen Certificate, will I encounter a problem if I don't have local license ? How about if I don't take CGFNS exam and go directly in taking the NCLEX ? Sorry to bombard you guys with so many questions. I'm planning to start my application for US employment. I want to make sure that I'm doing the right thing so that I won't waste money and I won't encounter any delays in processing my documents. Please help me and share your experiences in applying for US employment. I will appreciate your help so much. Thanks a lot in advance. God bless.

You do not need a license in the Philippines, only a completed set of transcripts. I would wait for looking for employment until you actually pass NCLEX, as there is nothing that can be started until you do. Any employer must have documented proof before they can start the petition process for you.

You need English exams, NCLEX passing, and the Visa Screen Certificate. You can begin the job search once that you pass the NCLEX.

Thanks Suzanne. I'll take your word for it. I'll be sending my documents at the end of this month. I just hope I won't encounter any delays or problems and that I may get the eligibility letter to sit for NCLEX exam even without local license. By the way, how long does it take CGFNS to evaluate my credentials upon receiving complete documents and fee ? and how long before i receive my eligibility letter to sit for NCLEX ? Thanks again for your great help. God bless.

On average, it is about four months.

Hi, just graduated from nursing.i also dont have plans of taking the local board, how did you go about your nclex application?i also dont want to waste money thats why im making things sure.thanks

hello...i am new here. thanks for my friend who told me about this website. i got some questions. i hope someone can answer this. i am planning to work in IL. by the way, i'm from philippines. last year, i passed CGFNS and received my certificate and visascreen. i took IELTS. i was so frustrated to learn that IL is now requiring TOEFL and CES. what does it mean? do i have to take TOEFL and have this CES? please advise....i really need it. i even wrote the dept of professional regulation in IL about this last february but i got no response until now. :confused: by the way, i have no choice but IL.

hello...i am new here. thanks for my friend who told me about this website. i got some questions. i hope someone can answer this. i am planning to work in IL. by the way, i'm from philippines. last year, i passed CGFNS and received my certificate and visascreen. i took IELTS. i was so frustrated to learn that IL is now requiring TOEFL and CES. what does it mean? do i have to take TOEFL and have this CES? please advise....i really need it. i even wrote the dept of professional regulation in IL about this last february but i got no response until now. :confused: by the way, i have no choice but IL.

I think you can use your cgfns certificate and visa screen certificate; you don't need toefl and ces because you already have the two that I have mentioned...CES and TOEFL are for those without cgfns cert....

I think you can use your cgfns certificate and visa screen certificate; you don't need toefl and ces because you already have the two that I have mentioned...CES and TOEFL are for those without cgfns cert....

i already read the IL requirements and nothing is mentioned about what to do when you're a CGFNS passer...thanks for the information.

i already read the IL requirements and nothing is mentioned about what to do when you're a CGFNS passer...thanks for the information.

IL used to be a "CGFNS passer only state"(that means that you need to have passed the cgfns exam before you will be allowed to take nclex-rn or use your nclex-rn license if you have been licensed elsewhere in the US without cgfns certificate...They only removed the cgfns exam requirement quite recently, so, provisions for the cgfns passers are still okey, I mean, having the cgfns certificate is better than the CES report, in my own opinion. Contact the IL board to verify; I'm sure they'd be more than happy to accept the verification/validation/breakdown of your education(that's basically what the CES does, minus the exams because cg certification is like CES WITH EXAMS in addition to the CES report). What I'm saying is, cgfns certification is more powerful than the CES report, again, in my own opinion. Good for you, you passed the cgfns exam already, while I on the other hand, failed in that exam...Pretty hard exam if you ask me; it does more than predicting actually, it is aimed at profit.

Hi, just graduated from nursing.i also dont have plans of taking the local board, how did you go about your nclex application?i also dont want to waste money thats why im making things sure.thanks

You cannot just register for the NCLEX, you must apply to a state for licensure. The NCLEX-RN exam is just the final step on the licensure process. It is also not the only step.

IL used to be a "CGFNS passer only state"(that means that you need to have passed the cgfns exam before you will be allowed to take nclex-rn or use your nclex-rn license if you have been licensed elsewhere in the US without cgfns certificate...They only removed the cgfns exam requirement quite recently, so, provisions for the cgfns passers are still okey, I mean, having the cgfns certificate is better than the CES report, in my own opinion. Contact the IL board to verify; I'm sure they'd be more than happy to accept the verification/validation/breakdown of your education(that's basically what the CES does, minus the exams because cg certification is like CES WITH EXAMS in addition to the CES report). What I'm saying is, cgfns certification is more powerful than the CES report, again, in my own opinion. Good for you, you passed the cgfns exam already, while I on the other hand, failed in that exam...Pretty hard exam if you ask me; it does more than predicting actually, it is aimed at profit. The harder they make the exams, the more chances nurses will fail these exams, the better it will be for these exam makers, they make more money, and more emotional and financial upsets for people...Good job CGFNS/ICHP! Keep it up; you are already coming in third place after terrorism/terrorists and criminals in hell's wanted list.

CGFNS Certificate is not like the CES with the exam. One just verirfies that you had enough hours, the Ces actually does a credentials eval. They are two different things.

Illinois will accept the CGFNS Certificate if you have that.

IL used to be a "CGFNS passer only state"(that means that you need to have passed the cgfns exam before you will be allowed to take nclex-rn or use your nclex-rn license if you have been licensed elsewhere in the US without cgfns certificate...They only removed the cgfns exam requirement quite recently, so, provisions for the cgfns passers are still okey, I mean, having the cgfns certificate is better than the CES report, in my own opinion. Contact the IL board to verify; I'm sure they'd be more than happy to accept the verification/validation/breakdown of your education(that's basically what the CES does, minus the exams because cg certification is like CES WITH EXAMS in addition to the CES report). What I'm saying is, cgfns certification is more powerful than the CES report, again, in my own opinion. Good for you, you passed the cgfns exam already, while I on the other hand, failed in that exam...Pretty hard exam if you ask me; it does more than predicting actually, it is aimed at profit.

thanks for the advice...i already contacted the IL board of nursing. they said that CGFNS certificate is still're correct in saying CGFNS exam is not really geared in predicting what you learned...but more on what you're paying them!!!!:trout:

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