Published Oct 6, 2005
4 Posts
Hello to all! I have a question: does anyone know if the MS in Nursing/Health Education of University of Phoenix online is accredited by California Board of Nusring?
is anyone here taking up masters in Nursing in Univ. of Phoenix online? How is it?
All replies are appreciated. thank you.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Many of my friends have graduated from there, I did too for my business degree.
There programs are fully approved by the BON in California.
640 Posts
I am not in a position to pay that kind of tuition or take out loans. I am looking into Cal State Dominguez Hills. It is also fully on-line and has many MSN programs. If you are a California resident, it is MUCH less expensive!
renerian, BSN, RN
5,693 Posts
Janey as a mother of 5 with 4 already in college, I could not afford U of P either. In Ohio they just opened a local branch which is less than 4 miles from my home. Good luck. I ended up getting my BS/MS from another college, different degree.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I did the UofP MSN (concentration management and leadership) and graduated in May 05. It is fully accredited and I am currently pursuing a post-masters' APN without any problems.
I just went to my information meeting for Cal State Dominguez Hills last night and will be starting their MSN Educator program in the spring. It is all on-line (except for clinicals!) and is $900-$1200 a semester depending how many units I take. It is a straight $225 a unit for out of state students in their National program. I am very excited. It will take me a little longer as I have a BA in something other than nursing and have to take some BSN classes as well to satisfy the PHN certificate. I plan to be nursing faculty.
67 Posts
I'm just curious to know if you're doing post-master's online, too. If so, how is it?
Sorta. I'm doing the clinical nurse specialist through my hospital's College of Nursing. I only had to do five classes (all clinicals). Each class has four meetings - so once a month, I actually attend classes (located at the College which is attached to our hospital). Its really a neat program. The required clinical/practicum is 576 hours and so far, I have done 376 hours since July. I really know the advanced practice nurse was the right direction for me.