Moving to AZ looking for good school for kids



My family is moving to AZ this December. Can anyone suggest a good Catholic elementary school in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area?



My family is moving to AZ this December. Can anyone suggest a good Catholic elementary school in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area?


You need to be much more specific........Scottsdale is over 125 square miles.

There are excellent private Catholic schools all over the Valley..........but the range that you are giving is way to broad. It won't help you at all. Where are you going to be living and working?

Thanks for your quick reply Suzzane4.

We are willing to move to where the good schools are in Scottsdale or Phoenix. My job will require me to do a lot of travelling/flying out of Phoenix.

Any other suggestions are very highly appreciated.


There are excellent private Catholic schools all over the Valley. If you are going to be flying out of Sky Harbor all of the time, you want something that is more centrally located.

I checked the net for good schools and got a few names and they also showed ratings and some other relevant info.

Can anyone tell me good or bad experiences of a school that their kids or friends kids go to or went to in Phoenix & Scottsdale area?

We've heard of schools wherein kids are in grade 4 and all they did was artwork, no homework and just starting to learn early addition.

thanks again

My neighbors kids go to a Catholic school and I'm sure she's more than happy with it. It's in Mesa though, which would be an easy commute to Sky Harbor. She is a certified speech therapist and works for the Mesa school district, so she's been around schools, and chose to put her kids in the private Catholic school. I can get the name for you if you want. My kids go to a charter school in Gilbert/Mesa called Eduprize. Each year students in EVERY grade score 25-30 points above public schools in every subject. It's a great school, class size is limited to 20 kids and usually everyday there's a parent helper for the teacher. Parents are required to put in 80 hours a year (I think that's the number) of volunteer work, it could be as simple as stapling stuff together at home to helping in the classroom, so there is very high parent involvement in this school. My daughter is in the first grade and is already doing subtraction such as 85-62, one month into the school year. I can't say enough about this school, but if you've got your heart set on a CAtholic school I can get the name of the school my neighbor's kids go to.


Thanks for your reply Keli.

Sure, if you can get the name of the school from your neighbor then I would more than appreciate it.

thanks again

ps: sorry for the late reply


Hi There,

I know of two catholic schools in the are you are looking into. St. Daniels Church has an elementary school and they are in zipcode 85257 in Scottsdale. St. Theresa's church also has an elementary school and they are in zipcode 85018 in Phoenix. Both of these areas are a pretty easy commute to Sky Harbor Airport. I don't know anyone who has sent their children to these particular schools so I can't give you any information on good or bad experiences but I hope this helps you out a little bit. Good luck in your search and welcome to Arizona.

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