Most hilarious/creative/inventive names you've been called...

Specialties Emergency


Alright, y'all, I know you have some doozies. Let's have a laugh about the most creative/inventive/hilarious names you've been called by patients and/or visitors. And...go!

My contributions:

Little Miss Priss 
Teletubby (I never did find out *which* Teletubby)
Fat A* B* - this one gets an honorable mention not for creativity (it isn't at all) but for the hilarious look on the patient's face when I said, "That's right, I am, and this fat a* b* said to stop yelling in the hall and go back to your room." He stared at me like I had grown another head...and then went back to his room, muttering about my sanity. After that, I graduated from "fat a* b*" to "crazy b*." I took it as a perverse compliment.

Specializes in ER.


Thats a systems problem, not so much the RN's issue. If someone comes in the trauma room waiting 60 seconds for the whole team to arrive and giving report to everyone at once is more conducive to good care. The doctors should know that. It's a pet peeve of mine. Docs getting hallway report without even going in the trauma room where the team is assembled, then yelling out a dozen orders when we don't even know what happened.

Like I said, its a systems issue, but saying "is everybody here?" might save your voice.

Specializes in EMT since 92, Paramedic since 97, RN and PHRN 2021.
10 hours ago, canoehead said:


Thats a systems problem, not so much the RN's issue. If someone comes in the trauma room waiting 60 seconds for the whole team to arrive and giving report to everyone at once is more conducive to good care. The doctors should know that. It's a pet peeve of mine. Docs getting hallway report without even going in the trauma room where the team is assembled, then yelling out a dozen orders when we don't even know what happened.

Like I said, its a systems issue, but saying "is everybody here?" might save your voice.

   I do agree there, about a systems problem.  And I’m stating my previous comment as a medic who has had to deal with an altered combative trauma patient, room with trauma attending, radiology and techs in the room.  I know a lot of the people but not all.

  The RN that came in late, not saying her lateness was her fault at all, but when I give report, which the room quiets for, and get done and then have the trauma resident walk in, have to go through whole schpiel again, to then have another person come in and tell me ‘You Have to Tell Me’ and with an attitude, well , I think everyone can follow my frustration. 

    And while in a perfect world saying “is everyone here?” Who is gonna chirp up?   Most of them are immediately focused on the patient and aren’t thinking about anyone but the patient.

  But I do get the message, everyone could probably done a little better on the communications front.


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