First I'll fill you in on my patient...Male, 51 years old. Admitting Diagnoses are interstitial lung disease and pneumothorax. He reported having a cough for past 5 years, productive and worse in mornings. Also reported increased chest discomfort for past several months. But he has not had a lung biopsy, so they are unsure what exactly is going on with that. They just know he has some fibrotic changes in his right lung. So anyways, he also has Crohn's (33 years) and a Ileostomy. He isn't having any problems with bowels. He has Osteoporosis and gout. He had a PE in 94' after a procedure. Other history...bronchitis, pneumonia, abd hernia, GERD, cataracts. During my clinical day he had a sinus/brady rhythm and his heart rate stayed between 54-60. Overall his vital signs were normal. No signs of anything wrong, other than the low HR. He was having trouble with breathing, SOB, and pain when he coughed, breathed deep, and moved. But O2 sat and RR were good and he was being weaned off of oxygen when I left. He had a chest tube that had drained 870ml in about 2 days, Serosanguinous.
His Hgb (12.9) and RBCs (4.33) were low. His CO2 was low as well. (20) And I'm trying to figure out if it was because of blood loss, anemia, or something else.
Also his BUN (26) & serum creatinine (1.53) were high and albumin (2.9) & GFR (48) were low. Everything that I have read points to kidney failure or some kind of renal problem when it comes to the above lab results. I'm confused about why he would have kidney damage and why he isn't being treated for it. I don't know a whole lot about this kind of thing since this is the first semester I've really had to interpret these labs. It's very confusing to me and I find myself completely lost, especially with a patient who's diagnosis isn't even certain. Does anybody have any advice or ideas for what might be the problem with this patient? It's driving me crazy.