9 Months a New Grad, Still No Job...


Anybody else in Los Angeles in the same boat? I graduated from a college in San Francisco with my BSN in May 2014, and I came back to the LA area to be here for my family in their time of need. My preceptorship was completed at a Level IV NICU, which pretty much nullifies any efforts to get a job in Med Surg or Telemetry or the like - they won't even look at my application for those programs. This winter, so many NICU new grad cohorts were either cancelled or nonexistent. I had a grand total of 2 interviews for the NICU which didn't pan out, and I think two or three other interviews for Mom/Baby and PICU. I'm gearing up for this next round of applications, a little more hopeful because it seems there may be more openings for NICU this time around, but I'm also very much aware of having been out of school for so long.

So...I guess I'm looking for some commiseration, encouragement, strategy, etc? I'm tired of being a new grad with no RN job!

Specializes in Cath/EP lab, CCU, Cardiac stepdown.
Like what do you mean?? I've been blanketing all the ones that open up....at least the ones I can find haha

I have no idea what this means

Stay positive! I'm in the same position but I just stated the processing and finger prints for a hospital in the city (NY). My advice to you though, is to remain positive. Keep applying. Don't give up.

Are you not applying to all jobs outside pediatrics? I have a home girl working in a cardiac unit in LA, also a BSN from the bay area and precepted nicu. Are you limiting your applications? More likely you're just not being selected likely due to sheer number of applications. That said, going into nursing in the state of ca, it should be assumed that it's going to be a tough time getting a job in a large city. So, yeah, there are hundreds if not thousands on the same boat as you.

Job hunting as a new grad should be considered a full time job. If you don't have spreadsheets, lists, contacts, numbers and notes, you're probably not trying hard enough.

Specializes in Rehab, pediatrics.

I don't get why your preceptorship nullifies you from getting a job in another specialty... I don't think jobs would turn you down because you precepted in the NICU for school but are now applying to med/surg. Sounds like you need to expand your searches to anything out there. I did my preceptorship in the MICU and I'm working in rehab and pediatrics... I don't think either employer even cared about my preceptorship in school.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

Go to Cleveland, Ohio - may be cold - but its nearly the heart of healthcare. So many hospitals available within just an hours drive.

Good luck.

Specializes in Management, Med/Surg, Clinical Trainer.
Thank you all for your responses! I've been thinking relocation may be inevitable, but even the places I've applied to out of state haven't been calling. Everywhere I've seen requires you to have your license for that state in hand at the time of application.

Yes and that is the catch 22....it is easy to say relocate or apply elsewhere but without that state license they will not hire. Some states take many months to get reciprocity.

That said, consider applying to compact states. You may be able to work in those with your CALI license until you get a hard copy.

Yes and that is the catch 22....it is easy to say relocate or apply elsewhere but without that state license they will not hire. Some states take many months to get reciprocity.

That said, consider applying to compact states. You may be able to work in those with your CALI license until you get a hard copy.

The only state i have heard takes that long is CA, every other state it takes 2 to 4 weeks to receive reciprocity if everything is in order.

Specializes in Cath/EP lab, CCU, Cardiac stepdown.
Yes and that is the catch 22....it is easy to say relocate or apply elsewhere but without that state license they will not hire. Some states take many months to get reciprocity.

That said, consider applying to compact states. You may be able to work in those with your CALI license until you get a hard copy.

North Dakota has no such issue, in fact they accept applications from New graduates who haven't taken the nclex yet. Their job offer is contingent upon passing. Reciprocity is also pretty fast there.

Have you thought about Central California?? Very friendly to new grads.. and even better with a BSN

Thank you everyone for the tips! I WILL get a job haha!

Thank you everyone for the tips! I WILL get a job haha!

Good luck!

New York City also takes a while to get a job as a new Grad. I know because I'm going through that process myself ;) Good luck!

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