Published Oct 3, 2005
295 Posts
and so far blood cultures, throat culture and urine culture are all negative. Just a virus? He's had a cough for over a month and only this past Friday developed a fever (105.3 rectally at it's highest.) Not asking for advice as I have been in constant touch with my Ped. since yesterday and he will call tomorrow with the Day 2 cultures on the urine and blood. But have any of you seen this in a 20 month old with a pretty significant cough, with a negative chest x-ray (Dr. was r/o pneumonia) So far he's been fever free for 24 hours. We had to go to the hospital last night for a shot of rocephin. Poor little guy has been through it the last day! He seems fine, not sick at all now, except for the cough
17 Articles; 45,831 Posts
and so far blood cultures, throat culture and urine culture are all negative. Just a virus? He's had a cough for over a month and only this past Friday developed a fever (105.3 rectally at it's highest.) Not asking for advice as I have been in constant touch with my Ped. since yesterday and he will call tomorrow with the Day 2 cultures on the urine and blood. But have any of you seen this in a 20 month old with a pretty significant cough, with a negative chest x-ray (Dr. was r/o pneumonia) So far he's been fever free for 24 hours. We had to go to the hospital last night for a shot of rocephin. Poor little guy has been through it the last day! He seems fine, not sick at all now, except for the cough ThanksShannon
Hello, pink2blue,
With a WBC that high, I would say not a virus. He is on antibiotics, yes? And just because the CXR is negative, does not mean it is not pneumonia.
I am glad you are in close contact with your ped. Let us know how he is doing. Poor baby.
Hello, pink2blue, With a WBC that high, I would say not a virus. He is on antibiotics, yes? And just because the CXR is negative, does not mean it is not pneumonia. I am glad you are in close contact with your ped. Let us know how he is doing. Poor baby.
Thanks Siri, no not on antibiotics yet, just the rocephin shot. We are waiting till tomorrow for the rest of the cultures before he decides what to do.
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
Yes I have, my 2 weeks old daughter had a unbreakable temp (and I can break any temp) of 105.8..... Spinal meningitis!!!!!!!!!!!!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Rocephin is an antibiotic, your doctor is probably waiting just another day before the cultrues do come back. Rocephin can be given one daily in an injection form.
It is realtviely broad spectrum, and your physician is just waiting until he has more specifics for treatment available to him.
96 Posts
like siri stated, if the cxr was done early, it may the pneumonia may not have been detectable. also, no offense to your pediatrician, but was the film read by him or a radiologist? i've seen several pcp's and er docs read chest films as neg only to be read as positive by a radiologist. how your child acting...normal and active or irritable? maybe a repeat cxr would be beneficial.
hope everything turns out well. keep us updated.