Molloy Dual Degree/Spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone. Just looking to start a new updated thread since there aren't any threads for 2016. I applied for spring 2017 semester. I called today to check on the status of my application, and admissions told me they don't start reviewing for spring semester until Oct-Nov. Don't think the woman would fib but that seems so late to me! Just wondering if anyone else had a similar response. Has anyone received paperwork for the Nelson Denny exam or received a call about an interview? I'm so nervous I'm on edge waiting for another 3 months :-( lol

No letter address to me as yet. Keeping fingers crossed.

@FutureNurse138 I hoping they do not look at gpa..And I beginning to count down the days till reviews.

I received a letter about the Nelson Denny and Math Screening tests today. Just putting it out there for anyone wondering.

You did? Was it a letter telling you the date to come in to take the exam?

Yeah. The dates are the 21st (if I remember correctly) and the 30th of September. They sent a FAQ regarding the Denny Nelson and sample questions for the math screening test. I'm sure you'll receive it in the mail. I don't know what this means. Does this mean I'm accepted?? I have no idea what to think of this haha.

Oh man how exciting, I hope I receive something soon ! From what I've read on other Molloy blogs, most people who are asked to take the exam are accepted. I think I only saw one or two who took the exam and weren't accepted. Does it seem to be difficult content?

It doesn't seem too bad. The math seems pretty basic (and that's coming from someone who is AWFUL at math). Apparently calculators aren't allowed and you need a 90% to pass.

I haven't checked out the Nelson Denny type of questions online yet but I think it isn't too bad. The only thing is that it's timed and it seems like they are giving us a lot of questions for X amount of time. So I guess that's the downside to it.

The form they sent kind of implies that there is no "failing" these tests because even if you do worse than they would like you to you can just remediate afterward and take an english and/or math course if needed. So it almost makes it feel like it'll be tough to /not/ get accepted afterward? I don't know. This is all so confusing and nerve-wracking to be quite honest.

It also mentions something about an interview with the director. It only says that it's a possibility that you get called for an interview not that it's required. So I guess that's also a good thing.

Crossing my fingers for you!

Congratulation m11001......Futurenurse138 is right. Once you get a letter about taking the test you are more than likely in the program. On their website I believe are sample questions. Don't worry, you'll do great. Still keeping my finger cross..Good Luck.:up:

I also received my letter about the exam dates. Are you doing anything to prepare for these exams ?


Yay! I'm not really sure how to prepare other than take a practice Nelson Denny test and for the math I think I'm going to do the questions they sent on that sheet. I'm a little worried because I'm currently taking some classes and don't know how much time I'll be able to put in to prepare.

I do have a question though. Do we have to sign up for a date and time? Or do we just show up to whatever date we want? It wasn't very clear at all.


I also received a letter in the mail telling me about the exam dates. I called and they told me that you just show up and take the exams. I was also wondering if receiving this letter meant anything in terms of being accepted. Good Luck!

Hey Guys,

Congratulations on moving on to the next step. You guys will do great. Still haven gotten a letter. keeping my fingers cross....Good luck everyone. :up:

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