Modesto Junior College '15/'16 ADN applications MJC nursing program


Hi all!

I've seen a few threads about TEAS V scores and points totals regarding getting into the Modesto Junior College nursing program. I'd love to get an idea where everyone else is at, what my chances might be, what's working for everybody, etc.

personally, I have 63 points so far, got a 76% on the TEAS test. I'm planning on trying to work on a better score though.

Lets get the conversation going MJC crowd!!

Best of luck to all. I think that we have all worked our bottoms off to get to this point. I just hope that I worked hard enough.... This is nerve racking. Like jnramsay, I can only hope that I did not mess something up on the application. I am retaking the TEAS tomorrow, and will again go through my application to make sure I did everything correct in that area before hitting the submit button! Hope to see you all in the program this fall!

Best wishes....

Hi, it looks like I won't be applying this year. I have not been able to take the TEAS yet and the applications are almost due. However I plan to spend the next year studying for a high TEAS score and either renewing my CNA certification or becoming a CMA. I believe both a worth equal points on the application and I feel as though becoming a medical assistant might increase my knowledge base rather than reviewing past learning like taking a CNA course again would. Any suggestions? Both would be free through county ROP programs I believe. Also does anyone know if there is an online TEAS prep course offered by any California community colleges? I know I could get the BOG waiver and take the class for free since I can't really afford the online test prep through ATI.

Oh and by statistics I mean what are your points and how a they distributed? Like how many for GPA and TEAS and other criteria? Thanks for all the feedback!

Good plan on spending the year preparing for the TEAS and becoming a CNA. If I don't get in this year, I will be recertifying my EMT and possibly doing some volunteering.

For me personally on the points, I left 10 points on the table by getting B's in Phys and in Micro, : /

I have a 4.0 in all the other required courses. I have my ECG certification, and got an 82 on my TEAS. I am retaking the TEAS tomorrow and hoping for a much better score. Total points for application now is 68. Hoping to push that into the 70's with the retaken TEAS. This is a very nerve racking process...... just hope I have done enough...

Google MJC ASSOCIATE DEGREE MULTICRITERA SCREENING PROCESS ADVISING RECORD (MSPAR). A PDF form showing point distributions for science prerequisites, ENG, PSYCH, Sociology, and Speech prerequisites, as well as TEAS score point distribution shoud come up.

Wow! Good luck everyone! Those are some amazing scores. This is my first time applying and I definitely have all my ducks in a row, but wow. Those are some seriously high scores. I have good grades and got an 82 on my teas but I still only have 60 points. I'm interested to see how the points range this year. I was reading last years (or maybe even the year before that) thread and it seemed like they last minute took people with some lower scores because of drop outs. The hard part is over though, now all we have to do is wait.. :cyclops: I'll think good thoughts for all of you though. You all definitely have worked hard and deserve it!

I just finished my application today and my points came out to 61. I'm pretty nervous:/ I hope I can get in. How is everyone else feeling about it?

If anybody is NOT nervous right now, I'd think they'd be self medicating! I have neurotically checked my app all day! I'm so ready for tomorrow to be over! I just hope we find out fairly soon. I heard last year they heard by June 3rd if they were being asked for documentation. Are you on the Facebook group for 15'/16' applicants?

If anybody is NOT nervous right now, I'd think they'd be self medicating! I have neurotically checked my app all day! I'm so ready for tomorrow to be over! I just hope we find out fairly soon. I heard last year they heard by June 3rd if they were being asked for documentation. Are you on the Facebook group for 15'/16' applicants?

I'll look it up. Do you know by when we have to turn documents in if we get asked?

I've heard a few different versions, but we should find out this week and have roughly two weeks to turn them in. So I'm guessing middle of June? Third week of June?

Hello everyone just wanted to update.

i took the teas didn't do so well and got a 69 and I applied with 74 points. Now time to wait. Good luck to everyone.

Has anyone heard when we might get the email notifying us if we're selected to provide supporting documentation?

We should be receiving emails tomorrow. I've checked my status and was selected to provide documents but I'm waiting until the email comes before I get too excited!! Good luck everyone!!

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