
Nurses General Nursing


I made a big mistake I gave someone the wrong medication. I reported this to my charge nurse as soon as it happened. I have been an LPN for 20 years. Never have I done this to the best of my knowledge. The provider was notified. The guy coded a few hours later. Thank god he is alive and well. I did the incident report. I am now suspended with out pay. I have no clue what is to happen. Should I just give up on nursing? 

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

I hope everything works out OK for you.

Thank you but it's traumatizing. Even if my license ends up OK. I don't want to do nursing anymore I'm getting older I'm 45 with a 12yo son. I'm a single mom and I notice I'm slowing down. I can't focus I'm menopausal. And this is just hard now 20 years I was really good. Not anymore. 

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
meeks Lynn said:

Thank you but it's traumatizing. Even if my license ends up OK. I don't want to do nursing anymore I'm getting older I'm 45 with a 12yo son. I'm a single mom and I notice I'm slowing down. I can't focus I'm menopausal. And this is just hard now 20 years I was really good. Not anymore. 

What has happened is traumatizing, however you don't even know how this will come out in the wash. You need a critical incident stress debriefing. If your workplace isn't offering this call your company IEP program. They can help you with the stress of this incident and also help you to decide what's next.

You are still relatively young with a child to support and nothing pays like nursing so it's time to take stock.

I wish you well 



Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I agree with Hppy!  Get some in-person help to debrief from this traumatizing event. I was a new APRN (only on the job 6 months) and I made a potentially fatal prescribing error. The pt was harmed and I went thru 7 years of a lawsuit. The only thing that kept me going was being able to talk with someone. 

You can get thru this but please, please get some counseling

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Another recommendation to take the above advice.  You could use the support no matter what you choose next.  

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