Published Mar 17, 2008
246 Posts
In the middle of Jan I renewed my NMC registration. I did not receive my NMC card so gave them a phone. NMC stated they had sent me my new card so I can only surmise that the card has gone walkabout.
I was given a new card but am somewhat worried that the first card with my name and registration number is in limbo land somewhere. Hope no-one has got it and is fraudantly practising as a nurse somewhere.
I have written to the NMC registration director and asked her why such important documents are not sent registered/recorded delivery. I am still awaiting a reply. Surely with the big increase in fees they could 'protect the public' more by making sure our registration details/cards are sent to us in a safe way.
What do other people thing?
Sorry it should have read What do other people think!!!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
They are not bothered, as long as they get money I don't think they will ever bother. I knew someone many years ago and she had 2 NMC numbers which actually caused a few problems for her because she lost her 1st docs.
Hope you get something sorted soon
nightmare, RN
1 Article; 1,297 Posts
The NMC card in itself is not proof of registration.All prospective employers are supposed to check with the NMC for proof of registration.I would check that they have your work place details etc so that,if someone does try and pass themselves off as you it can be brought to the attention of the police.
1 Article; 3,017 Posts
Actually when I lost my card they were very concerned and issued a new card with a different PIN
Do you mean they changed your PIN number? I thought you had that number for life!
I think it is a way to protect you as old number will become invalid and if anyone uses it will raise questions
That's true,i suppose.Then you would have to memorise a new PIN,it's taken me years to remember the original one!
I was issued with a different PIN number so I now have a different one to the one I qualified with.
It's worth informing them just in case
memorise.... memorise... only know mine begins with 86 lol
Well mine is due to renew at the end of March.Just waiting to see if anyone at work actually asks to see the new one!
At one of the hospitals I used to work at they did an audit and found at least dozen nurses with expired registration varying between couple months to several years so set up some sort of recall and you received a letter making sure you let them know you had renewed and had new card