Published May 17, 2004
23 Posts
does having a non-violent misdemeanor affect chances at becoming an rn?
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
Depends on the state, but i believe you'll have to appear before the board of nursing.
But be honest on all questions on anything you fill out. Lying will not help.
51 Posts
i have a battery charge on my record from when i was 18 and i had to write a letter telling about the situation to send in with my appication to take my boards.... i had no troubles at all... i took the advise of others i was honest and everything went well....
38 Posts
did you ever have any problems geting a job when you mention it on a job application?
nurseygrrl, LPN
445 Posts
I agree with being honest. I'm sure you'll be fine, and it's always better to be honest up front than to have the board find out about it later...then it turns into a big deal.
423 Posts
Ah, same question I had. I have a misdemeanor on my record. Theft by check= hot check, from 3 years ago. I am wondering if this will affect my chances to sit for boards next year.
15 Posts
What if you had a misdemeanor that was expunged from your record? Does it make a difference if it is still on your record or if they removed it?
Spoiled1, MSN, RN
463 Posts
I am not really sure what a "hot check" is. Is that the same as a worthless check?? If so, it may be hard to get a job. My mom has worthless checks on her record from 8-10yrs ago, and she was still turned down for a school bus driving job! But maybe that is only here in NC. I know that you can have it expunged, if you have the money.
ALSO...Aren't some traffic violations misdemeanor charges? Does anyone know if those kinds of misdemeanors would keep a person from getting a nursing job? I don't see how it would, but I am not totally sure. Just curious.
I am not really sure what a "hot check" is. Is that the same as a worthless check?? If so, it may be hard to get a job. My mom has worthless checks on her record from 8-10yrs ago, and she was still turned down for a school bus driving job! But maybe that is only here in NC. I know that you can have it expunged, if you have the money. ALSO...Aren't some traffic violations misdemeanor charges? Does anyone know if those kinds of misdemeanors would keep a person from getting a nursing job? I don't see how it would, but I am not totally sure. Just curious.
Yep, not enough money in the bank to cover a check. find it hard to believe they would count that against a person, but I am in the process of contacting the BNE about it.
324 Posts
This was the same for me also. I had a misdeanor for disorderly conduct and I was up front about it. I've had my license for almost seven years.
214 Posts
does having a non-violent misdemeanor affect chances at becoming an rn?thanks!
it depends...your state statutes may spell out specific prohibited conduct in the health profession section. for example, it could say that x state mandates disclosure of moral turpitude offenses (lying,cheating, stealing). other states may authorize disclosure of any charges and/or convictions.
you can look at your state code in the health profession section and then check with your state bon. i was always taught that when in doubt, one should always disclose and that disclosure may be given more importance that the offense itself as it goes to veracity of one's character.
as to the question regarding passing a check without having insufficient funds...the reason that it should be disclosed on job interviews and the reason that it may affect hiring is because it involves veracity and fiduciary duty (esp. if the job involves handling money).