

Just got my grade back, I got an A in microbiology.

Specializes in med-surg.




Yeah! CONGRATS!!!! :balloons: :balloons:

Just got my grade back, I got an A in microbiology.

Wonderful, I hope I can do the same next semester :balloons:

Specializes in NICU/L&D, Hospice.

Great Job!!

I'm just greatful to know what is going on inside my old body right now. Viruses!! They are winning right now. I also got my Tentorifice and 1st HepB shot yesterday. Feels weird knowing what happens in your body when you get immunizations.

I love Micro, and am also pulling an A. Final on Wednesday. Lab final was this past Weds but I don't have my grade yet. So far I have a 97.3%. I'm hoping to get a good score on the lab, so I don't have to worry too much about the final in lecture.

Again, Congrats!


Great Job!!

I'm just greatful to know what is going on inside my old body right now. Viruses!! They are winning right now. I also got my Tentorifice and 1st HepB shot yesterday. Feels weird knowing what happens in your body when you get immunizations.

I love Micro, and am also pulling an A. Final on Wednesday. Lab final was this past Weds but I don't have my grade yet. So far I have a 97.3%. I'm hoping to get a good score on the lab, so I don't have to worry too much about the final in lecture.

Again, Congrats!


I can't wait to learn all that good stuff! I am taking micro next semester Even though I had a crazy A&P teacher, believe me, I learned a lot!!!!! It's amazing how things work in our bodies. Congrats on your A

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Just got my grade back, I got an A in microbiology.

Congrats! Any tips for me? I am taking it in a few weeks :uhoh3:


Congrats! Any tips for me? I am taking it in a few weeks :uhoh3:


Even though it is not a requirement I heard that knowledge in chemistry and A&P will help you.

How long did you study and what did you use to study? I'm in Iraq now and want to come home and take several tests. I have the microbiology study guide from chancellor's. Can I pass this by reading it and listening to the tapes.


bubba gump

Specializes in Operating Room.
How long did you study and what did you use to study? I'm in Iraq now and want to come home and take several tests. I have the microbiology study guide from chancellor's. Can I pass this by reading it and listening to the tapes.


bubba gump

Hi and welcome to AllNurses.com! :)

I'm not sure if what you are doing to study will help enough or not. Most of what we learned was from the book, but I'm not sure if everything would be covered in a study guide.

Good luck!

OOPS forgot to say: Congrats on the "A", NathanDH! :)

How long did you study and what did you use to study? I'm in Iraq now and want to come home and take several tests. I have the microbiology study guide from chancellor's. Can I pass this by reading it and listening to the tapes.


bubba gump

Thanks for your sevice in Iraq.

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