Microbiology-Spring 2008

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I was hoping to start a "sticky" for those of us facing micro this spring. I've done (and kind of enjoyed) A&P I and II but am nervous about this course. If anyone finds any good links, has Q&As or hints to share, etc., could we add them here? I have seen other posts about micro, but only by doing a search and couldn't find a dedicated thread. If there is one, point me in the right direction and I'll shut up. LOL!

Happy New Year everyone!

Specializes in acute care.

hmmm, I think that's the same book I'm using. I guess since the international version is the same, I'll go ahead to the site and get it. Thanks for the heads up

Just received my book--ordered an international version (softcover) thru abebooks.com. It is exactly the same inside with high quality paper and all color illustrations, photos, etc. I love it! the regular version would have cost $160 new and $95 used. I got this one for $39. It will be alot lighter to carry around too! We are using Nester's Microbiology: A human perspective. I couldn't find a deal on the lab book so I paid $60 at the book store(same as online price). This is my very last class before nursing starts in the fall. I had to take what was open and fit into my schedule-so I ended up with a prof that everyone hates. I hope I can tolerate her-they say she doesn't know anything and tests are vague. Oh well, it'll be good practice for nursing exams-haha. Good Luck to all!
I can't even imagine how you are doing Micro in 4 weeks. All I have to say is cheers to you! :cheers: I took Micro last semester and ended with a high B almost an A. My suggestion to all (even though it's probably to late since we are getting ready to start) is to look through your profs and find out everything about them before you start. I was lucky and had a GREAT instructor at my school in Dallas TX. She offered a lot of extra credit which helped bring many peoples grades up. Take really good notes and make sure you attend all of your classes. Do your reading and keep up with studies on your own. The class is NOT that hard if you follow those rules! Good luck to you all! I can't wait to hear how everyone did at the end of the semester.

I agree. The prof can make or break any course. And I found that out in my Micro class. No tests reviews at all. And the tests were very tough. They were tests from 4 chapters too. 4 micro chapters mind you. Makes a big difference I have found. I was happy to get a C. I got A's and B's on labs too, but it didn't matter. I could take it again with a more supportive prof but what the heck. I am checking my other science profs though. Good luck to you anyway.

Ok gang, just finished, yesterday, my first week of my 4 week Micro class. DANG is all I can say about that. We have our first test on Monday and the theory portion is over the first 8 CHAPTERS! UGH! The practical is we have to do a Gram stain start to finish! Not as easy as it sounds at first, but you get the hang of it. This is a TOUGH class for 4 weeks. We covers 10 chapters next week, 8 the week after that and 4 the last week, of which we take our final chapter test the last Monday of class and the FINAL, which is cumulative (UGH) on Friday, the last day of class! If I can eek out a B I will be INCREDIBLY happy. I have a 4.0 but man oh man is this one tough.

GOOD LUCK and I will keep ya posted.


I just started Microbiology

I just saw someone posted http://www.vangonotes.com on another thread. Under the nursing link they have the same Micro book I am using by Tortora, 9th edition. Just ignore this if someone already posted this. I just never heard of vangonotes before. Anyway, you download notes by the chapter and can then listen to them on your computer or ipod. I already downloaded it. I think it will be a great aid for me. I usually always tape my lectures but I am taking it online so I won't be able to do this for Microbiology. I am so glad I found this site.

Hi, I feel your pain, I am taking Micro this Spring also, class starts in 2 weeks. The only thing I am looking forward to is that my sister in law is going for her Assoc. in Nursing and somehow we ended up on the same path needing to take Micro and A&P II, so we will be taking this class together, at least I have a definate study partner.

Good Luck!!!!!!!

Specializes in ICU.
I just saw someone posted www.vangonotes.com on another thread. Under the nursing link they have the same Micro book I am using by Tortora, 9th edition. Just ignore this if someone already posted this. I just never heard of vangonotes before. Anyway, you download notes by the chapter and can then listen to them on your computer or ipod. I already downloaded it. I think it will be a great aid for me. I usually always tape my lectures but I am taking it online so I won't be able to do this for Microbiology. I am so glad I found this site.

Thanks so much for posting this--I hadn't heard of them before, either.

hmmm... I used a hypnosis for childbirth program when my second daughter was born. I listened to the hypnosis CDs as I was falling asleep every night (I bought a pillow speaker to place under my pillow). It really worked, and I had my 9 lb daughter w/no drugs. :w00t:

Wondering if maybe I could do something similar with this--subliminal MicroBIO!!??!!? ;)

Specializes in ICU.

hi all,

I just got my textbook from Amazon.com & flipped through it last night. It looks like a LOT of very detailed, technical info...

Last semester I bought a book to supplement my A&P book ("Straight A's in Anatomy & Physiology") and it was a really helpful addition to my text--helped pull out the main points, and had NCLEX-style questions at the end of each chapter.

I was wondering if anyone is planning on getting something similar for MicroBIO and if they had any suggestions? I found a couple on amazon that seemed to have good reviews:

Clinical MicroBIO Made Ridiculously Simple

Microbiology the Easy Way (Barrons)

Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology

Microbiology Demystified

Wish I could thumb through them at my local bookstore to see which one I liked best. I'm a very visual learner, so I'm leaning towards the "Rediculously Simple" (I make up silly mnemonics's to remember what I'm studying, too). But reviews say it isn't as complete as others...

Any suggestions?? Thanks!!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Another micro student here! I already have a BS in Biology and have already taken Micro once before. Unfortunately, I took the upper level course which did not transfer into the CC I now attend. Can't complain about having to retake the class since my senioritis back then only helped me get a C the first time around! :icon_roll

i HATE my micro teacher...i've only been in the class for a week and i'm a/b to go crazy!!!!!

yeah- my prof is a little boring but okay. Others in the class must have hated her because they never showed up for lab which is right after lecture. I just want to get it over with before I start nursing classes in the fall (hopefully). I also took it with my first degree but it didn't transfer.

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