microbiology or physiology during 6wk summer?


just wondering what you think would be best to take during a 6wk summer session. micro or physio?

Personally I wouldn't do either one. Do you have to take one of these during the summer? Remember that 6 weeks is not that long of a time frame it will be crunched so much.

I would take micro. You don't need it as much as physio, and there is less to memorize. It isn't easy, though. I took it as a summer course, but not a 6 week one.

I agree with zbb13. It's much more important for you to get a good understanding of Physiology (it's kind of a foundation course for understanding a lot of what you'll be learning in nursing school as far as what's normal vs what's abnormal).

I took physiology in the summer in a 6 week and it was definitely doable ( if you have to go this route) especially if you have already taken anatomy. However, given the choice, I think Micro is a great choice between the two, because, like others have said, it is not AS pertinent to the foundation of nursing.

For either of the courses, I would try to lessen your schedule as much as possible for those 6 week...and I would only take 1 summer course at a time, b/c you will need to divide a lot of attention to it! You can do it!!

Best of luck!

I've signed up for Ana/Phys II for June and Micro for July. I'd rather take it during a Spring/Fall semester but at the moment I have no choice.

Wish I could be of more help. If I survive it, I'll let you know how it goes.

I did Micro during a summer 8 week course. I wouldn't attempt to do A&P during the summer - there is way too much that you really need to learn.

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