MGH BSN Summer 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Is anyone else applying to the MGH Accelerated BSN program for Summer 2015? How is everyone feeling about it??

I agree @lagirl_1989 I work with a lot of nurses and received a lot of guidance before starting the application process. The only direct entry program I applied to was Northeastern's because they require you to complete a co-op for 6 months after you receive your BSN. I personally don't believe in being an advanced practice nurse (i.e. getting my NP) before being a nurse (i.e. working as an RN).. if that makes sense? I think obtaining a BSN first and working has countless benefits, a major one being if you work at a hospital with tuition reimbursement, you can work while taking graduate classes part time and have your job pay for your graduate degree. I don't fault anyone for wanting to get to a higher level in the profession as fast as possible and that's why those programs exist, but would I prefer to go to/be an NP that has worked as an RN over one that took courses for three years but has no experience in the field (and I mean real work experience not clinicals or working per diem through a program)? Absolutely.

Sorry I've been following this thread for a while, but have been too nervous to comment/get notifications because I thought it might stress me out more! I'll be happy once we all hear back! Good luck to everyone!

I applied to MGH, Northeastern, and Umass Boston because I needed to stay within the Boston area. I was accepted to Northeastern and Umass Boston and will probably go to Umass Boston unless I get a substantial amount of assistance from MGH. I've also heard very good things about the Umass Boston program.

still no email :(

I haven't gotten anything either! I'm expecting them to come out within the hour though. It's already the afternoon I can't imagine them waiting until any later in the day.

Is it today or next week?? I hope today :-/

perhaps part of the delay is because they extended their application.

I think someone said we will hear by the end of next week.

I just got an email!!!!! Tomorrow ?!?

I got that too! Ahhh!

I justt got an email saying it will be available 1/17 at 10am!

Best of luck to everyone! I hope it is good news for all.. So much for sleeping tonight!!!

me too i got one

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