Methods for dealing with STRESS


I know this may have been discussed somewhere on these wonderful boards...But, I am really very interested in how everyone has dealt with or is dealing with all the stress from Nursing school? I start in 2 weeks and really get stressed out about homework and especially tests. What has helped you all "get through" them? Thanks very much for your replies.

Specializes in Emergency.

Do the best you can during your shift, then when leaving to go home, leave your work behind!! You did the best you could, it is never ever perfect, we can never be all things to all people. You did the best you could when you were there and patients benifited from your care.

Once when it was really a bad day in my ED, and I was inviting my coworker to go to lunch with me, she didn't want to leave because there was still so much work to be done, so I asked her

1. Is anyone dying here?

2. Will anyone suffer damage if we take a lunch break?

3. Won't we be better nurses, better able to give care after we have taken care of our own needs? The patients and their problems will still be here when we return, it helps set priorities in our minds.


Find something you are passionate about! For me it is dance and

expressive movement arts. Through nursing school, took dance classes

when I could. During the peak pressure times used videos and

basic dance workouts to keep me going. Also, formed an interest

in world music and dance.

Define your passions. And make time for them. You will return to

your school work and clinical experience refreshed. Bikechicky has given

great advice above. Nurses are so busy caring for others, our

self care can slip a notch. Good for her for blowing the whistle

on her coworker! Nuturing ourselves (yes we should eat lunch!)

gives us the strength to care for our patients without putting

our own health at risk.

You can also take short workshops at holistic centers, many offer

nursing ceus for courses. We did during nursing school and we learned

alot about alternative healing methods.........

Good luck and check in again. Tell us what you enjoy and what

nuturing care plan you have designed for yourself!!!!!!!!!! :balloons::balloons:

Specializes in NICU Level III.

I dealt with my stress in a MAJOR way today - it's my last semester but I decided to drop a class and go part time. I'll graduate a semester later, but my sanity will hopefully be intact.

My tip is for you to exercise regularly, and treat yourself to a weekly massage, movie, night out with friends or whatever it is that you enjoy doing. This will remind you that to have a life outside of nursing school and will also give you something to look forward to every week.

Go home, be with the people you love, and LAUGH OFTEN!!

Specializes in again school experience.

Honestly.....I get some people together from the program and go out a have a few drinks. Nursing school is busy and hard but you must find a little down time here and there and enjoy life.

i met a friend in the nursing program we were study partners, we've bben friends for 4 years now, also spke to other nursing students, and the teachers about any questions

My tip is for you to exercise regularly, and treat yourself to a weekly massage, movie, night out with friends or whatever it is that you enjoy doing. This will remind you that to have a life outside of nursing school and will also give you something to look forward to every week.

Totally agree. Excercise regularly and schedule one day a week to escape- no nursing work. I did all my studying, clinical paperwork, etc....for 6 days a week, and made sure I rewarded myself for one day, guilt free, to do whatever I wanted...go see a movie, play my video games....etc.

How does anyone deal with feeling overwhelmed? Like I can't obtain the RN, don't have the money to go back to school, handle two children as a single mother, pay bills, keep 40 hours weekly, no PTO, etc. I am doing pediatric home health work now, I do shift work , have two patients, one I love, have been with her for a year now, but she only has 20 hours weekly, so I must complete the 40 working with patient number two who has to be constantly suctioned per trach, four to six times an hour, constantly repositioned up in bed, even with a support pillow he somehow scoots down. My company is wonderful, yet I get no PTO doing this medically fragile childrens program. I do it so that I can set my own hours, and pick my children up from school. I have no family support. Am considering moving to California to be nearby my oldest daughter, yet not sure of programs pay scales in that area. Rancho Mirage, La Quinta, CA , Coachella Valley. I am feeling so overwhelmed. Any suggestions?

I am not a nurse, yet BUT have been working in EMS for a couple of years now and have seen a lot of things that none of us should ever see. Lots of stress, anxiety, sadness and disappointment involved in that career just as it is in nursing I'm sure.

The best advice I can give you is to keep work and your personal life separate. When you go to work you are at work, you just cant take work at home. If you do, you can sometimes bring the stresses from work at home affecting your family, marriage. It doesnt mean you should suffer in silence but you need to know when you are being affected and get the right professional help.

I dont know if it helps.

Specializes in speciality- nursing education&administra.

hi from sulekha.

I feel meditation will relieve your stress quickly.Sit comfotably in a chair close your eyes,concentrate your attention between your eyebrows.Imagine that you are very peaceful ,sit like that for few minutes and slowly open your eyes.You feel more relaxed.

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