Mercy School of Nursing Spring Acceptance- Charlotte NC

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am EVER SO IMPATIENTLY waiting on word from Mercy School of Nursing. I applied for Spring semester & Pam Hatley in admissions said that we will hear from them by Sept. 15th. I see that during past semesters, many people received their letter earlier than the deadline. Anyone get their letter yet? I am SO READY to hear, either way that it goes!

I haven't heard anything... I've been checking the mailbox everyday! Let me know as soon as you find something out.

Anyone hear anything yet?

ok so this is driving me crazy! i kinda think they get enjoyment out of knowing were sitting at home driving ourselves crazy. by september 15th means before! our deadline was july 1st which means they have had plenty of time. i say we get our letters on after the 15th. grrrrr

Yeah, I'm going nuts too!! Still nada as of the mail yesterday! What city are you in Melissa?

I'm in Rock Hill.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

not to jump aboard your thread but I just wanted to say good luck to you all!!!!

I'm in Gastonia near my letter today.. not exactly the news I hoped for. I got put on the waiting list! What a bummer. I really didn't realize that this school gave priority to the applicants that held a degree in another area. But oh well I guess all I can do is wait and see.

Goodluck to the rest of you!

I am so sorry to hear that you are on the waiting list Melissa. I hope that you get in!!

I am HAPPY to say that I GOT IN!!!!! SOOOOO excited :) I have to turn in my forms & $140 by Oct 1st. :) I am so stoked!!!!

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.


Congrats! I got my acceptance letter today, too. Good luck to you.:yeah:

For those who were waitlisted, Don't give up...try again. And remember you could still get moved up if others change their mind and don't return the confirmation forms. I was waitlisted before and 3 weeks later, I had moved up 11 spots. Good luck.

You have applied there before? I've been upset all day. I really don't see how I could move up as many spots as I need to to get in. I have done all I can do to get accepted. I really set my heart on this and now all I have is disappointment. I could have easily been accepted into many other schools but I saw this as a challenge. I don't really want to spend the next few months with my fingers crossed praying that the people that have been accepted and waitlisted don't take their chance of a lifetime. I'm not going to give up on nursing school but I also won't be applying to mercy again.

Congrats to everyone that was accepted!

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