Published Nov 29, 2005
202 Posts
I was reading my AJN, and found an ad for a journal for Men in Nuring. I'm not sure if this is new or not, has anybody read it? I sent for my free copy. I'll let you guys know what I think.
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
Let us know what you think of it, strengths/weaknesses.
Larry77, RN
1,158 Posts
I signed up for the free issue also...I'm interested to see how geared it actually is to "men" in nursing...we'll see I guess.
90 Posts
Can you post the link so others of us can get a free copy to see what we think as well?
171 Posts
I would be interested in that as well, thanks.
3 Posts
How do I get a copy of Men In Nursing Journal? Benco
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,743 Posts
There was an ad in this months Nursing2005 for it. There's one of those pullout cards to send in for the magazine. It's address is Min In Nursing
P.O. Box 1531, Hagerstown. I think it's part of the Lippincott Williams & Wilkins magazine conglomerate, so you might find it online.
I also used the card but I think I got it from my AJN mag...but here's a link for ya:
Men in Nursing Journal
Corvette Guy
1,505 Posts
There was an ad in this months Nursing2005 for it. There's one of those pullout cards to send in for the magazine. It's address is Min In Nursing P.O. Box 1531, Hagerstown. I think it's part of the Lippincott Williams & Wilkins magazine conglomerate, so you might find it online.
I received an ad via snail mail.
Men in Nursing
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
P.O. Box 1531
Hagerstown, MD 21741-9650
107 Posts
They are looking for a "Editor-in-Chief" which they say is a part time roll. It's on the Nursing Center site with more info and qualifications.
Also, is it possible to get this Nursing2005 issue and if so, where?