Published May 26, 2012
222 Posts
I know I am always whinning but I am wondering if I am the only nurse who get taken advantage of. I saw one patient last saturday and 2 on sunday 37 pts during the week. I am TRYING to get away this weekend. My boss asked me what time I was leaving on saturday because one of my pts was being discharged and the weekend nurse already has 8visits on sat and 8 on sunday. No other nurses are stepping up again. I have my daily wound pts covered by having the ALF nurse and the family do the wound care for sat and sun. I am coming home on sunday night so I can see my pts on monday (8) so the weekend nurse won't have to see that many 3 days in a row. But again I am the only one offering. AHHHHHHHH I need a vacation.
38,333 Posts
I think it is high time for you to allow the other nurses to have their turn. If your boss had some gumption, she would see that they get their turn so that you don't "hog" it all (said in jest).
1,191 Posts
It is up to you to set your boundaries. Please don't expect other people to respect your boundaries if you are not willing respect them yourself. Best wishes.
But if I did not see my pts on Memorial Day then the one nurse who is working would have to see 16 which is impossible. The other thing that upset me is the fact that my manager did not even document in her weekend report (to all nurses including our main office) that I am seeing my patients on Monday. So I emailed the nurse that is working so she knows that I am helping and seeing my own pts. Maybe it is the fact that my name is on that report every weekend since I see at least a few pts every weekend along with working all week. She keeps hiring nurses then they tell her they will not work weekends.
You would not be seeing patients every weekend, including a holiday weekend, if you did not agree to see patients every weekend.
TopazLover, BSN, RN
1 Article; 728 Posts
Personally I would tell the manager now that you will be unavailable for the next 6 weekends. You deserve it. Who will see your patients? Well, someone will. If necessary perhaps the manager will have to and then the next person who is hired will be explained the reality. "You will help cover weekends. Period. This is not a request, it is a demand of the job."
As long as you play the fool and do the work why does any other nurse have to agree to do any weekends? I see martyr in bright lights. Nobody cares who wonderful you are as long as you do it. When you stop covering for them they will figure it out.