Memorial Healthcare System Nurse Residency Program

Nurses General Nursing


Hi. I wanted to start a thread on Memorial Healthcare Systems Nurse Residency program in Hollywood, FL. I recently applied to the March 2019 cohort and wanted to see if anyone else has!

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology RN.
15 minutes ago, wing said:

I honestly had the WORST experience with memorial HCA as a new grad. Their nurse/patient ratio was insane and staffing was always awful.

Memorial Healthcare is not an HCA hosptial..

Specializes in Transplant.

Ooh I thought i read memorial hospital. Whoops!

Hey everyone, I had the same luck as most of y'all with Memorial. I applied twice and both my applications are still under review ?. I honestly do not know how they even select the candidates. I had better luck with HCA, they have training every month. So for those new nurses, try applying to HCA and if you can get the email of a recruiter, email them and they will contact you immediately and tell you what hospitals and units are currently hiring new grads. It is really hard as a new grad to get a job. I had applied to so many and not even a call. Even if you do not get your dream unit, take the experience because after the contract is up you can always transfer to a specialty :) GOOD LUCK!!!

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