What were things you learned and changed in regards to your study habit and material after failing the NCLEX? This is what I learned: 1st attempt: I only studied core content, and did not do...
I would like to know this also. I have already taken it twice in Florida and failed. I really hate how Florida requires those classes after 3 failed attempts. I wish we had unlimited attempts some...
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think that means you failed, sorry. Usually you would get what they call a good popup stating they can't accept your payment because you are already scheduled...
I don't think it matters as long as your are learning from the rationals. I personally split them up, doing some in the morning and some in the afternoon. That way I can give my focus on those fewer...
Sorry if this is long, i'm also a foreign educated student and also took the NCLEX on August 19 and failed so I know exactly how this feels. So i'm venting because i'm depressed. If it makes you feel...
Hurst is great for content but it does not cover everything you might encounter in the NCLEX. I did the Hurst online review, but I did not pass. I'm not saying it wasn't good. It really helped me...
I applied for Florida and check their BON site the day after the exam. Thanks, spend the whole day feeling depressed, but i'm hoping sooner than later I will pick myself up and try
Congrats! Did you complete all the UWorld questions? I took the NCLEX a few days ago also and used UWorld, sadly I did not pass. But I was only able to finish about half the UWorld questions before I...
Background: I graduated from the Philippines last year, and have since failed the NCLEX twice. I have applied to Florida and now have 1 more try out of my 3 to pass. I am feeling very depressed...
Hey i'm also a foreign educated nursing student. I have applied to Florida and have just failed it 2 times. I am wondering if it was worth it to study abroad. The education was cheaper but not as hard...