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  1. Advice/Opinions on Nursing Schools

    I really appreciate the response. SPC Florida is the correct School. I went through my wind shield my senior year of High School, which was my second year of college. So i have a bunch of medical information I can provide from my head injury. I jus...
  2. Advice/Opinions on Nursing Schools

    can you send me a link to where it says this? I'd like to print it out and bring it in.
  3. Advice/Opinions on Nursing Schools

    I was told by my original school SPC that there was nothing they could do to help me, they won't even allow me to retake Biology when I have to retake the lab anyway.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm planning on going back to school in August after a 7 year hiatus. I was really hoping to be able to start fresh, however the state of Florida doesn't allow you to retake any grades that received a C or higher. I started College a...