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  1. Bathing Pts Question

    Baths! Ugh. Hate them with a passion. We bathe all of our vented patients at night as well, and that is usually when shtf around here. Patient is doing fine, I'm getting the vasopressors titrated...
  2. younger generation of nurses and blackberries?

    I guess I fall into the Young'ins with phones category, though I don't see any problem with it under certain circumstances. Nurses station at 3 a.m., charting and patient care work done? I'll take a...
  3. 40yr old guy needs advice on STNA

    Hiya my4helpers, I graduated from Aultman College of Nursing and Health Sciences last May. It's an associates degree program here in Canton, Ohio. Aultman hospital provides the clinical sites and most...
  4. What to do about pay?

    I realize some consider it crass to discuss/compare wages, but if you don't know what others are making, its tough to determine if you are being fairly compensated. I live in Ohio, outside of any...
  5. If nursing is your second degree/career...

    Caliotter3 makes a very good point here, if you can afford to work as a CNA or patient care tech, you will have a big leg up over other job seekers on your resume. I really wish I would have listened...
  6. If nursing is your second degree/career...

    I had this same problem transitioning from the military, with a career focused on mechanics and engineering. I had no other experience to include on a resume, so I used my military positions. I...
  7. Ya, my humor tends to run to sarcasm, but its all in good fun. For the record, my wife is an RN as well and over the same 10 year period, she had 1 ticket for not buckling her seatbelt (while driving...
  8. 40yr old guy needs advice on STNA

    I'm sorry to hear your plight Grumpy. Sadly, the manufacturing jobs are all leaving our state and many people are feeling the pain. I don't know what your educational background is, or your...
  9. I can't believe no one has connected the dots on this one.... From (I cannot vouch for accuracy of statistics, but the ballpark numbers sound about right), there are @ 2.9 million...
  10. 3 medication errors in 7 months!

    I realize this thread is 4 years old, but since it was getting bumped and this topic was on my mind, I figured I would chime in. I'm a recent grad lucky enough to have found work as an RN. I trained...
  11. What to do about pay?

    /rant I realize you have been poked at by multiple people in this thread, but I just want to drive home the point so you don't continue running around spouting this anymore. There is absolutely...
  12. Certainly doable, I took pretty much the exact same position as my first nursing job. I've only been doing it 3 months, and kind of got defaulted the charge position since there is only 1 RN per shift...
  13. I don't know how to answer this without seeming like a jerk, so I'll just go for it. You don't owe anyone anything. I know it may seem like a cynical outlook, but you'll only be unhappy and resentful...
  14. You are correct in the hourly cost at Aultman, its a tad over $400 an hour. You do all nursing classes and clinicals at that hospital and all academic course work at Walsh University. I can understand...
  15. Hiya, Hopeful! I don't know how long the waitlist is, but in 2006 when I was looking for a school, the wait list was 2 years. This was when the economy was still pretty decent. In a down economy, a...