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  1. Olivet Nazarene FNP

    Hi RJGRhere and Suzygreenberg, I did decide to attent Olivet for my FNP. So far things have been fine. As NerdyNikki said, they have made a lot of changes to their curriculum and I now have no doubt that it is up to the same standards as other sc...
  2. Olivet Nazarene FNP

    Thank you for your reply, it was informative and actually very helpful!
  3. Olivet Nazarene FNP

    Ladydi RN, Thank you for your reply. I tried to look up passing rates for various schools and not all of them are published. Having gone through Olivet's program- do you know what their passing rate is? Were there a lot of your classmates that h...
  4. Olivet Nazarene FNP

    Hi! I'm looking at FNP programs. What have you heard about Olivet Nazarene University? I've heard great things so far. The only thing I'm a little worried about is the curriculum; it looks like there aren't as many core FNP classes as there are in ot...