Honey Bee

Honey Bee

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  1. Why would a catheter not be appropriate? How would a condom catheter be better and why? from what I have read and been taught when a patient has urinary retention in a post-stroke patient and...
  2. Where is the Au nursing you moved this thread
  3. No.... I am not a student. A new grad left to their own practice more likely where some nurses still just do things without a good rationale for it. there is little time during work hours to search...
  4. On arrival to a ward in hospital this 87 year old gentleman with acute urinary retention (AUR) had an indwelling catheter inserted by the Urology doctors. the patient was uncomfortable and aggressive...
  5. Impaired fluid volume

    eGFR What would an eGFR be on an 87 year old male who presents with Acute Urinary Retention (AUR) and has a history of stroke, previous TURP, acut on chronic confusion and episodes of dysarthria....
  6. Impaired fluid volume

    According to current ACC/AHA guidelines,
  7. Impaired fluid volume

    Female patient presented with chest and a history of unstable angina for 2 years with GORD, dyslipidaemia, obesity and a previous smoker quit 12 months ago after a 12 year history. EF = 62%. Day 5...
  8. How to deal with angry doctors

    I just want to say first, thank you for not stooping to his unprofessional level. I don't know about you but in my training we were constantly made aware of our professional ethics and the code on...
  9. Impaired fluid volume

    Ok! so how does post operative fluid deficit occur in relation to myocardial stunning and the patient back on the ward is found hypotensive with low cardiac output and receiving Endone 10mg with 1...
  10. Impaired fluid volume

    The phenomenon of myocardial stunning according to literature, is due to total coronary artery occlusion lasting anywhere from fifteen minutes or briefer (during a period that is not associated with...
  11. Impaired fluid volume

    Hi Nurse zine can someone give me an answer to this reflective question please? Can you remember as a new graduate your pathophysiology with regards to third spacing fluid deficit? What do you think...
  12. Pain types

    Hi Miss Mollie here is a vague instruction for an assignment. In a discussion with some colleagues the comment is made that 'it doesn't really matter whether patients are experiencing nociceptive...
  13. Pain types

    In a discussion with some students recently a comment was made such as "it doesn't really matter whether patients are experiencing nociceptive or neuropathic pain - it's all pain anyway". How can I...
  14. Nursing care plan help

    It is obvious the amount of pain Mr Bee is in and the scenario is not saying that the man is using opioids for the wrong reason so you becoming crazy is not understood why this conclusion was made. I...
  15. Patient Mr Bee is in his late sixties and admitted to hospital for a femoro-popliteal graft to this (L) leg. The surgery went well with no compications. Mr Bee has a PCA Morphine and also takes his...