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About ShaneTeam

ShaneTeam has 21 years experience and specializes in MICU, ED, Med/Surg, SNF, LTC, DNS.

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  1. Are nurse's all that and a bag of chips?

    Or a
  2. Are nurse's all that and a bag of chips?

    Actually, my nurse shirt says "I'm a nurse, if you Fib, I will paddle
  3. Medical errors the 3rd leading cause of death??

    Oh, and BTW, here is the program I had seen on CNN the other day. I claim no rights to this. It belongs to
  4. Medical errors the 3rd leading cause of death??

    I still think it would be Ferguson syndrome all over again. All I would like to see from this is an accurate way to track the info, and a system put in place to use that info to help fix the...
  5. Medical errors the 3rd leading cause of death??

    Again, on a side note, more networks seem to be putting their spin on this. 5/25/16 Headline news had a special called "Top 25 Medical Errors". It was a 60 minute
  6. Medical errors the 3rd leading cause of death??

    I disagree. That would be the exact opposite of what is needed. I still feel if they are willing to shell out money for other causes of death, why not this? The doctors and nurses are human....
  7. Medical errors the 3rd leading cause of death??

    And, the weird thing is, we are only talking about a 1.6% error rate. I, personally, would just like to see the type of funds going to reduce the numbers of mistakes. Oh, and on a side note, if you...
  8. Disrespectful patient

    The 1:1, plus if they started tanking. The floor had a census of 8:1, while the unit is closed half the time. The board just felt it was safer. Then they would be assessed by the county mental health...
  9. Disrespectful patient

    Huh. Looks like it depends on where you work. Where I work, if the county MH person can not make it to assess them at that time, usually over 5 hours wait time, the patient is admitted to ICU. But,...
  10. Disrespectful patient

    Lol, I was wondering if anyone else was going to catch that. Which means if the OP would look at the information coming from ED, she would have found most of the information she needed, and would...
  11. Nurse's Week Gifts from Employers

    Nothing from either
  12. Nurses Week 2016 Freebies

    I have. Though it has been many years
  13. Libertarian Healthcare

    Just remember to ask a
  14. Medical errors the 3rd leading cause of death??

    Quite agree Macawake. There is not a procedure that is done that is 100% safe. I also applaud what the researchers are trying to do, and still feel the system needs to have some way to look at the...
  15. May the 4th be with you...

    Did the same with my wife, so she would understand what was going on in the new