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About venusnscrubs

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  1. How many chapters?!?!

    I wonder if we are in the same program because those look identical to the chapters on my Unit 2 test. I have been using the chapters essentially as reference to outline the unit objectives. Then I...
  2. NCCC-Ottawa

    Thanks for the info! I appreciate
  3. NCCC-Ottawa

    I am so glad I saw this thread! I'm applying to NCCC Ottawa during the next application cycle. I was wondering if someone could answer a question regarding the application process. I noticed that a...
  4. The six week courses are rough. However, it's doable. Talk to a classmate. They might be able to record lecture on that day (using a digital recorder or phone) and send it to you via
  5. How long is the class? At my school, they offer 5.5 week courses and 12 week courses during the
  6. Affording Nursing School As A Newlywed

    My husband and I are in a similar situation. I am going back to school for my BSN, but I already have a bachelors degree (in business). Honestly, it probably isn't what you want to hear but we are...
  7. Having a lot of trouble with Microbiology!!!

  8. Having a lot of trouble with Microbiology!!!

    DNA Double Stranded Virus: Poxviruses (enveloped) DNA Single Stranded Virus: Parvoviruses (non-enveloped) RNA Double Stranded Virus: Reoviruses (non-enveloped) RNA Single Stranded Virus:...