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About nadoue

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  1. The candidate currently has test results on hold?

    ?Exactly what I got and I passed
  2. Older Student/Over 60 years old

    I am sorry to say this but I referred one of my coworker and she didn't get the job cause of her age, in her late 50s. It does happen and will always be an issue.
  3. I am also a supervisor and this is such a dilemma but I just have my cna do toileting,change them walk them for 10 mns, offer fluids first if that doesn't work, prn is in order. Working beautifully so far! Good luck
  4. Having trouble memorizing immunizations? Any suggestions?

    Don't kill yourself with that! I have been told they won't give you any specifics immunization but the after care of what to do after getting them. I didn't get any on my test
  5. Relaxing before NCLEX ?!

    I went to bed early, woke up around 5 am, grabbed breakfast and put on my gospel music and prayed. 8 am got in the center, prayed before started and one hour and half later, 125 questions, done and done. Anxiety was killing me. On my car, I checked b...
  6. Changing name and NCLEX

    No expired license will do!
  7. Changing name and NCLEX

    Your ATT NAME should match your driver license. Or you will have to involve the school for your name change and resend your paper to the board. Either way, ATT needs to match your ID
  8. Took nclex today

    Congrats! Are you living in MA?
  9. How do people do on practice questions vs. NCLEX?

    Well I was on the 50- 67 range and I passed.
  10. Took nclex today

    Very accurate! I got my letter and I passed
  11. Took nclex today

    What a great feeling to see that " good"
  12. Took nclex today

    I took the exam yesterday, finally did the trick, it read" our records indicated that you have recently scheduled this exam. Please contact your board member for assistance, another registration cannot be made" I am excited and anxious!
  13. PASSED LPN NCLEX :) w 85 !!!

    What's the pvt trick?
  14. Took the NCLEX RN exam today....75 and good pop up...

    What to do to get the pop good
  15. 75 questions, good pop-up, 23-25 SATA!

    What are " SATA" questions?