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About hbk77

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  1. UC Davis Residency March 2013

    I just received a call yesterday for an interview. I'm very interested in LnD, but being so excited to just be called I forgot to ask what unit it was for. Has anyone else been called??
  2. Scripps New Grad Nurse Residency 2013

    I don't know why she would tell me that either, I'm just going by what she said.
  3. Scripps New Grad Nurse Residency 2013

    I don't think this is true. I called to ask why the posting was gone and the person I spoke with told me that it closed early Friday (which I know she was lying about since I tried to do it Thursday night) and said that OVER 2000 PEOPLE APPLIED. That...
  4. Scripps New Grad Nurse Residency 2013

    I started the application on Monday but wanted time to write the responses and I just went to try to apply and I can't find the job posting-- did they take it down early??
  5. New Grad Goals?

    Hey everyone, Just curious to what some of your goals for professional development are/were when you started as a new grad? I was thinking some of mine would definitely be skill mastery and utilizing and expanding my critical thinking. Anyone have ...
  6. VA San Francisco New Grad Program 2012

    I called today- I wasn't able to directly talk to the recruiter so I left her a message. Hopefully She calls me back!
  7. VA San Francisco New Grad Program 2012

    I still haven't heard anything either. I'm wondering if I should call soon and see whats going on? Also, is there a way to check the status online? I didn't save the online req and it's not in my emails.
  8. Georgetown U Hospital RN Residency

    Congrats! That's amazing! Good luck!
  9. Sharp New Grad Program Fall 2012/Winter 2013

    Thanks so much for sharing, especially since it's already so competitive!
  10. Sharp New Grad Program Fall 2012/Winter 2013

    I searched for the app- has it already closed??? I couldn't find anything
  11. Hi, sorry I can't help with the questions you asked- but curious if this is for their new grad program??
  12. SF Bay Area PALS, NRP courses in NorthBay?

    Project heartbeat in Oakland is really good. I know it's not the North bay but its definitely worth the drive
  13. Georgetown U Hospital RN Residency

    Thanks for sharing!!! I'm nervous too!! I really want to interview for LnD but anything maternal health would be fine with me!! What about you??
  14. Georgetown U Hospital RN Residency

    I noticed that they had taken it down early! It was supposed to go through Oct. 9. My status has changed to "Thank you for your interest in Georgetown University Hospital. We are currently reviewing your resume. Those candidates whose qualifications ...