lub dub

lub dub

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About lub dub

lub dub has 27 years experience.

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  1. Nurses being forced to go back to school

    And the "I passed NCLEX-RN after ___ attempts, and here's how I did
  2. Nurses being forced to go back to school

    How many threads to we need on this topic, really??? Can't this thread be locked, or at least added to the dozen or so others that are currently on this site that talk about the same
  3. UNDERWEAR (Yes, underwear)

    nycnurse92- I like the fact that you used the word "eschew" in your post. It's an underused word, in my
  4. I work in a sauna!!

    I worked for years with women who were pre-, peri-, or post-menopausal. Therefore, it was a steady diet of hot flashes and cold flashes. Being a man, I learned to never comment on the room...
  5. Requiring a BSN degree for an ADN scope of practice

    What does BSBM stand for? I looked it up, and all I found was bachelors of science in business management, and bible study by mail. Medical doctors and osteopathic doctors both attend four years of...
  6. Requiring a BSN degree for an ADN scope of practice

    Here is the abstract for an article that looks at staffing ratios and nurse education levels and how they relate to patient outcomes (this was written by Aiken as well): Nurse staffing and education...
  7. Requiring a BSN degree for an ADN scope of practice

    We, as a profession, need to stop thinking of this issue as being all about us. This has to do with what is best for our patients, and what is best for the profession as a whole. There is published...
  8. Requiring a BSN degree for an ADN scope of practice
  9. Requiring a BSN degree for an ADN scope of practice

    Can the "I don't like the BSN degree" discussion have its own permanent thread here at AN? That will streamline this process a great
  10. Serious advice needed

    You said that you are a "foreigner". Have you spoken with other nurses who are of your nationality? Perhaps you could get some pointers as far as developing American customs & behaviors within the...
  11. Maximizing my chance!

    Have you tried to make an appointment with an advisor from that school? They may be able to assist you in the specifics of getting into their program. Best of luck to
  12. Requiring a BSN degree for an ADN scope of practice

  13. PVT IS DEAD! Don't try the "new" trick

    When I took the NCLEX-RN (paper & pencil), it took 4-6 weeks to get results in the mail. Yes, it was a while
  14. bully

    Tax dollars??? It's a private institution. There are no "tax dollars"
  15. bully

    This sounds like just a silly prank. I believe the word "bullying" is beginning to be overused in the work place. An isolated prank does not rise to the level of bullying, in my opinion. This is the...