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About Daisie4100

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  1. Med Error

    I am super stressed out. I am a triage nurse at a small clinic. I was the part time evening nurse and there was a full time day nurse. I have only worked there for less than 3 months. Yesterday, they fired the daytime triage nurse and asked me if I...
  2. Almost passed out during clinicals!!

    I am a second year as well. The other day a nurse was watching a fellow student of min remove a PICC and she almost blacked out. This is something she does frequently but she said she had never really thought about doing it while she was doing it. Sh...
  3. Overwhelmed....I feel like giving up!

    I am currently in my first semester of ADN program and I completely understand your feelings of being overwhelmed. The only advice I have is to go on to youtube and spend an hour watching funny cats. I know it sounds stupid but laughing at silly st...
  4. Worst Day of School EVER..Please help

    Thank you everyone! I have talked to my instructor and there is no formal accusation of plagiarism being made by she is upholding the zero. She also will not let us do anything to make up the points. I am extremely upset but have decided to move o...
  5. In my Nursing Fundamentals class we had to do a group presentation and write a paper about how the group worked together to achieve our teaching goals. We turned the paper in on Monday. Today we all got an email that we needed to meet with our inst...
  6. 1st Nursing Cartoon caption contest - win $100

    I don't care what he says....I'm not sniffing his butt.