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  1. oh my gosh thank you so much, you have no idea how much you have just helped me out! Do you mind if I ask what state you practice in? Because in colorado I know thT CE is not required in most hopsitals and facilities as of right now.. Most of our hos...
  2. ok thanks!
  3. PM? lol im sorry I am new to all of this and I am actually really super struggling with this paper.. I tried to interview a couple of friends and they of course never got back to me and then yay i tried to interview a few more people and never heard ...
  4. HELLO EVERYONE! how are yall doing? Okay so I have a huge favor to ask anyone.. I am in my second quarter of nursing school *about ready to finish, woo hoo two weeks* Anyways we have to write a final paper on an area of nursing that we are interested...