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About darengibo

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  1. Do you recommend LaCharity?

    I didn't buy it, but did rent it from B&N for 30 days (9.95). yeah, it hammered home the delegation process!
  2. Best use of the dry erase board you get

    I just used it to count the number of alternate questions I received (23 SATA, 3 charts, 2 Pictures, 2 put in order) out of 75. I was going to "brain dump" but then the test started, and I just dove in.. I think I reviewed the allnurses study guide ...
  3. CA BVNPT NCLEX results

    I took and passed on 2/18 and the board updated this morning showing my license as active!! WOOHOO!
  4. Took NCLEX RN on 2/17/12 75 questions!

    I too am in CA, and my other RN buddies had their license posted in 48 hours, and had their license received via mail within a week. Exciting! I too passed this weekend, but due to the weekend and holiday on Monday our results may not be posted unti...
  5. Took NCLEX today with 75 questions!

    Thanks everyone!!! I gotta say, the tips/advice/encouragement from allnurses.com really really helped too!!! I think I slept all night with a smile on my face!
  6. Am feeling so sad. I failed my exam 2nd time.

    Sorry to hear this news. Did you do Kaplan/Hurst or any of those type of groups?
  7. Pearson vue site down?

    It was up earlier this afternoon, but has been down for a couple hours
  8. Took NCLEX today with 75 questions!

    Got the "good" pop up on Pearson!!! SO EXCITED RIGHT NOW!! Praise God! I kept track of how many "alternate" forms of questions I got, since I was convinced the number would be 15 and they would be the questions that were tossed out.. well, that the...
  9. This wait may kill me.

    I am taking the NCLEX on Saturday! Super nervous!
  10. This wait may kill me.

    @nursedreamjob - I too am in California and have had a few friends pass the NCLEX and the BON had their name posted with license in about 2-3 days. The actual license was mailed and received in under a week.
  11. Took NCLEX this AM at 8am

    You PASSED!!! CONGRATS!!! I take it 2/18!
  12. Passed nclex 1st time. I know it's long but pls read all!

    As I prepare to take the NCLEX on 2/18, the words of wisdom from my wonderful wife "God carried you this far, He is not going to drop you now" is replaying in my head. Thanks for the wonderful post!
  13. Yuba College nursing studen

    I am graduating on Dec 16 from Yuba RN program, and they are phasing out the wait list and going to a lottery system. If you are already on the wait list, apparently they will still honor that, just not add any more. The lottery is going to include a...
  14. Feuer Nursing Review

    Do you know if the audio cds have been updated? I have a set of the lectures, but don't know how old they are... thanks and congrats on passing!
  15. Yuba College nursing studen

    I am starting 2nd semester in August with rotations in Med Surg II and Maternity/Peds. I love the program and my 1st sem instructor was AMAZING!! I have a great core of friends/classmates and while nervous/anxious to start 2nd semester, I am also l...