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About Graduation2016

Graduation2016 specializes in OB.

Bringing babies into the world!

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  1. Working as an rn in puerto rico

    True, but when the cost of living is higher than what you will be making to live comfortably, life experiences may need to wait. Plus you will definitely need to learn the language in order to get a...
  2. Relocating

    Hello! I have been an L&D RN BSN on my own for about 2.5 months after 4 months of orientation. I feel the need to maybe relocate for personal reasons. What is the best way to find the best places...
  3. Ana G Mendez students

    Hello, yes, I passed my NCLEX in May. To the current students my only advice is to keep up with their HESI quizzes and tests. It'll help you to pass the HESI at the end of each semester and in a way...
  4. I took NCLEX today......

    It's hard to maintain hope when I keep reading all this different situations. I guess I will have to suck it up and wait until Friday morning for the quick results.
  5. I took NCLEX today......

    Hello everyone! Also took my NCLEX today at 8am meaning I can't/shouldn't attempt the Quick Results until Friday at around 10am. I did try the trick using wrong expiration date and wrong last digit...
  6. Words You Hate

    More than hating to hear mucus plug, I hate it more when people bring it to show us they've lost it and of course that means that the baby is coming NOW!
  7. PCA/tech OB

    I have been an OB Scrub Tech for 4.5 years. On L&D we don't have OB Techs, we have to have a valid CNA license, NRP, and most importantly we have to be scrub techs because we are the ones who...
  8. Ana G Mendez students

    Well, it took me 3.5 years to complete my BSN. I had only 4 classes transferred so I pretty much did it at SUAGM. Yes, entrance exams are in Spanish and English to see where you're at because you will...
  9. Ana G Mendez students

    Well, I go to Metro Orlando. Just finished my BSN this past Saturday after a lot of heartache and frustration. I don't know how it is over in Miami. In Orlando the program is fairly new, we are the...
  10. Ana G Mendez students

    Are you planning on going to one of the Puerto Rico campuses or
  11. Working as an rn in puerto rico

    Question, you don't speak Spanish but you're trying to work in Puerto Rico? Not trying to offend anyone. Just wanting to figure out why you would want to, and are you aware that PR nurses make half of...
  12. Ana G Mendez students

    May I ask why did you chose
  13. Professors fail everyone?

    I know this is an old post, but I was wondering, has anyone been in the situation where a professor fails a whole graduating
  14. What does your school have you wear to the Pinning Ceremony?

    We finished tonight and we were having this discussion since we have to wait for the class that comes behind us, who we're not friends with but a few of them, and they don't finish until May, so out...
  15. New grad, GN what am I?

    May I ask you what state you're