Medical Surgical/Addiction/Mental Health

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About ParkerBC,MSN,RN

ParkerBC,MSN,RN is a PhD, RN and specializes in Medical Surgical/Addiction/Mental Health.

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  1. Just curious, is there a shortage?

    It's in the literature that there is a shortage of nurse faculty. Literature cites low salary for the major reason. People with advanced degrees stay in hospitals because the salary is more (Nurse...
  2. I don't want to do nursing anymore??

    If nursing isn't your gig, then don't go into the profession. However, don't decide not to go into nursing because of your past experience. I know nurses who have failed courses, didn't pass NCLEX...
  3. Nurse Educator Programs

    Indiana State University, where I earned my MSN in nursing education has a focus in academia and clinical education. The program is offered
  4. Becoming a Nurse Educator

    Yes. Very
  5. Input On The Application Process

    Kristine, Here is some information to ponder: If you complete an undergraduate degree in Health Sciences and then pursue an accelerated degree, you will lose grants such as the Pell Grant (if you're...
  6. Masters in Public Health

    Generally an MPH would get you a position with your local or state department of health. I am not sure which degree holds more weight if it even does, MSN or MPH. Hopefully someone can comment on...
  7. Becoming a Nurse Educator

    Xhalox, I am not sure where you live, but here in Indiana, most schools require at least two years of experience in the area in which you will teach. The experience must be recent, generally within...
  8. Diabetes Question

    Yes, both types 1 and 2 are measured by an A1C. So, how would you know if it is type 1 or type 2? If you receive a diagnosis of diabetes, your doctor will also run blood tests to check for...
  9. PhD with nursing education focus or EdD?

    Columbia has an EdD in Nursing Education. The program is completely online. I am not feeling supported either and have played with the idea of pursuing the EdD. The DNP in nursing education is also...
  10. Online Nursing Programs

    Exactly. Marian University here in Indianapolis offers all of the didactic portion online. Students are still required to go to campus for lab hours. They also have clinical hours to complete. I...
  11. Financing Accelerated Nursing School

    Everyone does not fit into your mold. Good for the OP that she has a Go Fund Me page. It's simple, she creates the page and those who want to donate can. Your opinion or no one else's really...
  12. What is the Direct Entry MSN?

    Generally, you will work towards a BSN (Maybe in a year), graduate, sit for NCLEX to become an RN, then finish the MSN portion of the program. Some programs may very well go right to an MSN then take...
  13. Financing Accelerated Nursing School

    You will need to speak to someone in the financial aid department about your options. Yes, you are permitted to use financial aid money for living expenses. I would try to get federal loans first,...
  14. Financing Accelerated Nursing School

    With all due respect, the OP is asking advice about financial aid not your opinion about a go fund me page. If you do not have anything constructive to add to the conversation, how about simply...
  15. Passed NCLEX with 265 questions

    Congrats and welcome to the