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  1. Info for Texas School Nurses

    Does anyone know if this was addressed / passed? We are looking for information to keep our school district from filling an open nurse position with an unlicensed "aide"!
  2. What is the hardest nursing class?

    I think the hardest nursing class is whichever one you are currently enrolled in. Honestly. You may struggle through this semester, only to get to next semester, which will be even harder, and think Wow, that last class was a breeze compared to t...
  3. 1st test grade :(

    You will get a better response if you post this on the student forum. This forum is for nurses who have passed boards and are in their first year of working as a nurse.
  4. The Favorite Nurse

    I remember when my DD was in the hospital when she was 4. There was one nurse that she really adored, and she still talks about that nurse by name to this day 2 years later. Last week I had a 3 year old patient that is a patient of my DD's Dr., an...
  5. I have spent the last two weeks completing all of the hospital orientation stuff. Tonight I start on my floor! It is a pediatric post-op for the kids who have to stay in patient, but don't need ICU, so lots of casts, traction, chest tubes, drain...
  6. latex only for blood draws???

    Children's Hospital in Dallas has an awful lot of kids with venipunctures and PICC lines, and they are a latex free facility! I think someone is living in the Dark Ages!! Holli
  7. No More Nclex

    I hate to say it, but I totally agree with you. I have been thinking it for days and just couldn't bring myself to post it. There is a Graduate Nurse board and an NCLEX board, those discussions belong over there. This board is supposed to be for...
  8. YAY! Thank you for listening to my suggestion!

    Hi there! I did my psych rotation at Terrell in January and met some TV students! Are you out near Tyler? I have lots of family in East Texas, and I have lived in DFW my whole life, so I am very familiar with the area, and Canton. I have spent a ...
  9. YAY! Thank you for listening to my suggestion!

    Hi Grinnurse! I am in DFW - I went to school through El Centro on the Brookhaven campus. You are here, too, right? Where did you go and where will you be working? Holli
  10. Tips for nurses in their first year of nursing

    that was great! thank you for sharing it - i think i will share it with my graduating class! holli
  11. Let's introduce ourselves...

    that sounds like an awesome position! good luck on nclex, the waiting was the worst part! holli
  12. Let's introduce ourselves...

    hi everyone! i'm holli. i took boards on june 13th and passed with 75 questions. i am starting work on july 18th at the only hospital i ever wanted to work for. it is a great pediatric facility! i will be on the (post-op) surgical floor, and we...
  13. Us new RN's have a "home" now! :balloons: :balloons: Holli, RN
  14. Anyone use Ultrascope stethoscope?

    I tried one out at the scrub shop based on the recommendations from everyone here. I liked it enough to order one. I just ordered it last week - so it hasn't come in yet, but i can't wait to get it. I am hoping it will be in before i start my firs...
  15. When is everybody starting work and what unit?

    Another TEXAN here! I start orientation on July 18th (hubby's birthday). I have something like 2 weeks of hospital orientation, then anywhere from 4-12 weeks with a preceptor on the floor, based on what i think I need. I will be working nights, b...