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About kimbalotz

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  1. Online NP Programs

    Hello, I am an experienced RN who is ready to make that next step in her career. I am seeking an online program that is reputable, I work full time. I would be FINE with one that is "hybrid"; I would love some campus visits, even in a state adjacent ...
  2. Acute Care vs FNP, advice needed please

    Hi all, I am looking for objective feedback from you all. I am at a crossroads. I have been an emergency RN for most of my career, and am now doing critical care education. It feel is time for me to pursue my NP. I love the ER, and am not sure if any...
  3. Acute Care NP vs. Family

    Hi all, I am looking for objective feedback from you all. I am at a crossroads. I have been an emergency RN for most of my career, and am now doing critical care education. It feel is time for me to pursue my NP. I love the ER, and am not sure if any...
  4. Taking a sick day after giving notice

    Thanks for responding. I do not at all care about getting paid for the day. That's not important at all. I can't go in vomiting with a fever, that's my only concern. I appreciate you answering my post!
  5. Hello there, I have a question. I gave notice to my current position a week or so ago, and I gave 4 weeks notice l together. I am actually sick tonight with a fever and I vomited twice. I feel horrible. My concern is calling in sick after I've given ...
  6. Is a Masters Worth it? Help!

    I came across your post and I had to comment. You and I practically share the same nursing background. I do have approx 7 years exp in the OR and now currently in the ER. I have had multiple interviews for a clinical specialist role for a large med d...
  7. Hello, I am really ready to pursure my master's. I love the idea in practicing advance nursing in cardiology, because that has always been my passion. I did lots of research online, but I need someone with first=hand experience or knowledge about the...
  8. While out on sick leave, found out I am being "replaced"

    Thank you all for your insight. I suppose there are many more stressors attached to my job (as is with ALL of us, I am sure). The short-staffing goes on all over the world I imagine, I just felt that since I have been legitimally out with an injury, ...
  9. While out on sick leave, found out I am being "replaced"

    Wow, really? I don't have a reason to be upset? My friend was told to "not say a word" to me about my being replaced...and I will most likely be moved to another unit. If the unit was appropriately staffed, being down one nurse wouldn't be such an is...
  10. Hello, I was in a pretty bad car accident in mid May, sustained a back injury. I have been out on medical leave since then. All of my necessary documentation has been sent to H.R., and I have been updating them very often on my status, including cont...
  11. Hello, thanks for the encouragement. I believe in NEVER, EVER burning bridges...the nursing community is big, yet small, and you never know who you may run into professionally. I just feel nervous, can't help it. I know I'm probably making a bigger ...
  12. Ok, so some of you read my other posts...I am giving notice TODAY. My immediate supervisor is NOT in (of course, that's my luck). But my assistant manager is. I HAVE to submit this thing, because my new position starts in about a month, and I need to...
  13. Hi everyone, I didn't give my notice today, I was soooo sick! Woke up with a terrible sore throat and no voice! I hope it's not a sign! So, be continued....!
  14. O.R. nurses, can you tell me if I'm crazy?

    I apologize, I did not mean to make it sound easy...I know what those nurses go through, and managing 8 patients is NEVER easy! I meant, that for many new grads and inexperienced RN's, they will often recruit onto a Med Surg unit, that's all. I, havi...
  15. Good point. I'll take it out. You're right.