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About mrosette

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  1. Denuded Peristomal Skin

    Don't forget domboro's solution for weeping, denuded, inflamed skin. Helps dry, ad provides comfort. It is frustrating but rewarding as you say...
  2. Necrotic toes wound care

    Sorry, spell check, povidone should be enough
  3. Necrotic toes wound care

    Xeroform provides a bacteriostactic moist wound environment, bismuth is impregnated into the gauze, similar to silver in its ionic ability... Don't think you want to keep those toes moist...providence should be enough, unless there is a small amount ...
  4. Is there really a demand?

    I had to do it all on my own, went to webwoc, great online experience, I passed all three board exams on first try. There are opportunities, just have to look. Once certified makes a big difference...
  5. Wound bed appearance with a wound vac?

    Look at the wound: if you assess more than 60% yellow slough then vac is not appropriate tx for wound. Needs more vigorous cleaning before vac will do its job. Alert physician and ask for another tx till they can see. My humble experience... CWOCN si...
  6. 4 Eyes Assessment

    Looking for backup on four eyes skin assessment, anyone found any research that supports this practice? Any help appreciated!
  7. Cost of getting WOCN Wound Care Certification

    I paid for everything myself, roughly $8,000, at the time my hospital provided a $2000 tuition reimbursement, but that program disappeared. My preceptorship did not charge, as they were in my system. It was a good investment from my standpoint. I lov...
  8. CNS vs NP vs CWOCN-AP

    Thank you all for your suggestions. Been so busy with patient care and never ending support mtgs. Persons of size, incontinence care (no briefs) and other issues. Appreciate your comments. Interesting thing just happened. Our hospital has entered wit...
  9. CNS vs NP vs CWOCN-AP

    Any comments appreciated...I am a CWOCN practicing in MI, 3 yrs in acute care, 8 yrs RN, looking to advance but SO confused on next step. Can't afford to stop working FT, no help tuition wise from hospital, but looking for the quickest, less expensiv...
  10. Does patient need to know the diagnosis?

    I feel for you. Please consult with charge RN. There may be cultural factors in play here. It is NOT your job to deliver that information to the patient, it belongs to the doctor and the family. Make sure you do your job to comfort, clean and care fo...