
Ramennoodles BSN


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About Ramennoodles

Ramennoodles is a BSN and specializes in Psych.

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  1. New Grad BSN Options Boston Area

    Oh! I've never heard that phrase before. Yeah that wouldn't be too bad at all and I'm not opposed to a commute at all. Which cities are within an hour? I've been looking at Worcester, not sure where else.
  2. New Grad BSN Options Boston Area

    What do you mean by going reverse?
  3. New Grad BSN Options Boston Area

    Hi there! I just graduated with a BSN from an accelerated program in New York. I'm taking the NCLEX in Massachusetts in a few weeks since my husband will be going to school in Boston, so we will be living there starting in August. All of the posts ab...
  4. Dominican College ABSN May 2017

    I'm not nervous so much as just excited!! I can't wait to get started and get learning :) I think the next year will fly by but the next few months until it starts seems like it's gonna be really slow ~~
  5. Dominican College ABSN May 2017

    I think it's more then, based on what you said. 1st 20 credits = 13,289 + remaining 38 credits = 13,300 + program fees/miscellaneous = 2,000?? ____ =about $28,589 Which is great, about 30k is half of what I thought it would be!! :D
  6. Any part-time B.S.N. progams in NYC?

    Dominican college has a weekend bsn that's two years long, not too far from CNR.
  7. Apology accepted! You did misinterpret my tone happy new year!
  8. ...obviously. You work together. But that doesn't mean being a CNA is the same as being an RN. It's not. That's all I'm saying. RNs have far more/different responsibilities depending on job setting, so only seeing what a CNA does could deter someone ...
  9. Dominican College ABSN May 2017

    I think it's about 60k total. That's what I was told when I called but they couldn't give me an exact number.
  10. Also I have to add that working as a CNA firs is totally unnecessary! Those minimum wage jobs DO suck, I have had a lot of them and they are AWFUL, especially if you are someone who dreams of having a great job that pays well, is challenging, encoura...
  11. Just remember, your life is YOUR LIFE and you are not required, or even likely, to follow in your sister's footsteps if you don't want to. It sounds like you already know that quitting/giving up is not the way you want your professional life to be. I...
  12. Dominican College ABSN May 2017

    WOW that's awesome! Way better price than Dominican~
  13. Dominican College ABSN May 2017

    That's fantastic! I'm from all over...haha. Will be new to the East Coast actually :) Looking forward to it!! Are you taking the weekend biochem class that's only 3 months?
  14. Dominican College ABSN May 2017

    I applied I wanna say maybe back in August or September? It was so long ago I don't remember haha.
  15. Dominican College ABSN May 2017

    Awesome! Good luck! I actually just got my acceptance letter yesterday, pending completion of prereqs ~~ I am SO EXCITED! I only have biochemistry and pathophysiology left. Yes, I heard the exact same thing. The most common advice I've also heard is...