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  1. How do you pronounce CITRATE?

    Thank you!!
  2. How do you pronounce CITRATE?

    How does a person correctly pronounce "citrate" like when I tell people to take magnesium citrate or I'm watching for a citrate reaction? Is that first syllable the same sound as the first syllable in "sick" or "cyan"? I
  3. Interview help; confidence

    Thanks for the thumbs up & your encouraging words. This was nice to wake up to. I will take your advice to "Move on" believing I WILL "be an asset to any facility" :-)
  4. Interview help; confidence

    I really appreciate your suggestion to "ask nurses have a good rapport with to be [my] references." I can use that going forward. Thank you!
  5. Interview help; confidence

    I'm not really sure what went wrong; although I have my suspicions. I had heard that if I go a job as a Nurse Tech while still in nursing school, it would increase my chances of getting into a Residency when I finished nursing school. So I applied ...
  6. Can pushing fluids lead to pulmonary edema?

    I read all your comments a couple nights ago and was going to respond then but lost access to the internet due to storm conditions where I live. Lev Horseshoe & NeedlesMcGee, yes this is the same patient scenario I posted on previously. I'm stil...
  7. What's wrong with my patient?

    LOL Yes I am a real student. I have my associates degree in pre-nursing and am nearly halfway through my ADN program.
  8. Can pushing fluids lead to pulmonary edema?

    Lev, I learned my patient exhibiting Rapid breathing & rapid heartbeat are both indicative of an infection and I can see the value in running these labs. Did you have something different in mind when recommending these t...
  9. *I am working on a minor school assignment. It is not due tonight and I have put a lot of thought into it myself, researching concepts and whatnot, before asking for assistance. This is the scenario: I'm caring for a 75 year old patient after hip r...
  10. What's wrong with my patient?

    Thank you all so much for all of these really great responses directing me to consult multiple different sources to expand my knowledge base! SheDevilPrincess, I looked up PE but am not sure what you meant by "side effects." My understanding is th...
  11. What's wrong with my patient?

    Thank you for the complement
  12. What's wrong with my patient?

    Thank you for the feedback
  13. What's wrong with my patient?

    Thank you for the affirmations I'm on the right track! Would suction be necessary for blood-tinged sputum or would such an intervention be overdoing it?
  14. What's wrong with my patient?

    Thank you for noticing that this is my first and only post. I'm clearly new to this forum and didn't know what was expected. I didn't wait until the last minute to do my homework” and I don't expect people to spoon feed me my answers,” but, bein...
  15. What's wrong with my patient?

    I'm caring for a 75 year old patient after hip replacement surgery At the beginning of my shift, he rated his pain 2/10 and his vitals were BP 124/84, HR 76, RR 18, O2 98% on RA On my next rotation, his BP 112/72, HR 98, RR 30, O2 88% He seems anxio...