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  1. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    I guess empathy for those suffering is too much to expect then.
  2. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    You're confusing the behaviour of the protestors with the point of the protest itself. It's extremely naive to think that economy and health aren't related. Who pays for healthcare if the economy is destroyed. As for protestors waving flags and ca...
  3. Where to work?

    Plymouth is a great place to live, not as cheap as up North, but still much cheaper than the South East of England. It's right on the edge of Dartmoor, plus there's Bodmin moor in Cornwall an easy drive away. Of course there are tons of sandy beach...
  4. Forced Organ Donations from Living Donors???!!!!

    I remember first hearing about this 20 years ago when I walked along Whitehall in London and there was a Falun Gong demonstration. They were giving out literature saying members of the Falun Gong faith were being killed and having their organs harve...
  5. American Nurses in U.K

    Just wanted to mention any UK resident can buy a Prescription Prepay Certificate. Unlimited prescriptions for 3 or 12 months, costs £29.10 and £104 respectively. Many people (including Brits) don't know about the existence of these. Even if you on...
  6. Moving to UK - looking at nursing school?

    The undergraduate path to nursing is a 3 year BSc (Hons) Nursing. You have to pick a branch for your registration, the branches are Adult, Child, Mental Health and Learning Disability. The most versatile is the Adult branch. However there are 2 ye...
  7. HELP! New Grad Nurse trying to go back to CA

    I'm guessing you're already enrolled by now, but in case you're having difficulty, Google Westcott Courses. They're self paced courses, which you can complete as fast as you like, which go onto a Brandman University transcript. Brandman accredits t...
  8. sweaty person + humid summers = sweat through scrub tops

    Use Sweat Block or similar once a week, before you go to bed, on the areas that you sweat from. Leave to dry for 5 minutes after application. That'll stop the problem at source.
  9. Physician Assistants now have FPA

    Physician Associate always seemed like a better title, better describing what their actual role is.
  10. NHS Apprenticeships

    Unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll get a direct response to this from either NMC or NHS England. There is guidance for Nursing Associates trained outside the EU though, so they are considering foreign qualifications to see if they're similar to...
  11. NHS Apprenticeships

    I found out today that the NHS are now providing 4 year apprenticeships for RNs, where you work in hospitals, earn a wage and attend university for your BSc Nursing. So pretty much going back to the 70s style training then, except you get a shiny de...
  12. Take a look at Khan Academy and try to catch up using that if you can't afford a tutor.
  13. Where Were You...9/11

    I was working at Barclays Bank accounting offices in England at the time. I heard just after I got back from lunch. Not everyone had the internet at their PCs then, so we were getting all the information from the few people who did have access. Ev...
  14. Disclaimer: still not yet a nurse, but very experienced in working in CYA organizations (aka the NHS). Did your manager put it in writing? If she wrote an email to you making the accusation, then you should respond in writing to her, calmly setting ...
  15. Vaccination Health Concerns

    Actually if people with autoimmune diseases are taking immunosuppressant drugs such as azathioprine then they cannot be vaccinated with live vaccines. Here's more information and a list Vaccination Issues in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease...