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About LindsayFaith

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  1. A&P prior to Micro?

    I took A&P1 at the same time as Micro. I did fine in both. I think as long as you have had your general biology courses, you should be fine!
  2. UTHSC Traditional BSN Fall 2016 Applicants

    No it won't. You can apply before though! I got accepted with in-progress courses. I just finished Chem and A&P II so those weren't factored into my GPA when I got my acceptance. As long as you are done with those classes by the time school start...
  3. UTHSC Traditional BSN Fall 2016 Applicants

    I'm sure it will be. I had mine two months ago. We didn't get a tour though. They said you have to schedule campus tours separately.
  4. UTHSC Traditional BSN Fall 2016 Applicants

    Yes, it was nerve wracking! But thankfully I wasn't wait listed for long at all! I would highly suggest going to the information session if you can. They give so much more detail than what is found online such as competitive GPA's versus just the min...
  5. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    Yay!!! :)
  6. UTHSC Traditional BSN Fall 2016 Applicants

    I studied for less than a week which was a poor choice on my part! I wish I could have studied more but I had a lot going on. I would highly recommend getting the HESI admission assessment study guide. I believe it's purple and white. If I can find t...
  7. UTHSC Traditional BSN Fall 2016 Applicants

    My scores were average. My overall was a 3.6 and science GPA was a 4.0. My HESI score was 85% overall w/ an 850 on the critical thinking portion which was not that great at all. I think what really helped me was the fact that I got a Bachelor's degre...
  8. UTHSC Traditional BSN Fall 2016 Applicants

    Hi guys! I recently got accepted for the Fall 2015 class. Let me know if you guys have any questions about the application process, scores, etc!
  9. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    Has your status changed?
  10. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    Just got accepted from waitlist! Can anyone direct me to the Facebook page?
  11. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    Anyone find out how many people are waitlisted?
  12. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    They told me they couldn't disclose the ranking. I've also seen people get accepted from the waitlist two weeks prior to school. I'm hoping it will be by June 1st!
  13. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    On the waitlist?
  14. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    Do any of you guys know generally how many people are waitlisted/how many are chosen from the waitlist each semester? I know it differs every semester due to vacant spots but I was just seeing if anyone knew roughly how many!
  15. UTHSC Fall 2015 Applications

    That's awesome!! Did you get an email?