meds during pregnancy??


Does anyone know if phenergan is ok to take during pregnancy?

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.
Does anyone know if phenergan is ok to take during pregnancy?

For some reason I say no...but can't remember just why..but I always trust my red flags..that makes me call the PCP or OB for rational!

What I find is: * Promethazine is in the FDA pregnancy category C. This means that it is not known whether promethazine will harm an unborn baby. Do not take promethazine without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant or if you are planning a pregnancy.

So I would ask the doc that prescribed it????

For some reason I say no...but can't remember just why..but I always trust my red flags..that makes me call the PCP or OB for rational!

What I find is: * Promethazine is in the FDA pregnancy category C. This means that it is not known whether promethazine will harm an unborn baby. Do not take promethazine without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant or if you are planning a pregnancy.

So I would ask the doc that prescribed it????

We give out phenergan on L&D and antepartum like kool-aid. Between our hyperemesis patients, kidney stone patients, and pukers in labor, we go through some phenergan. :chuckle

From my own experience, yes. I had this when I was pregnant due to having my gall bladder removed, and having a couple of procedures after. I had my gall bladder removed under full anesthesia, and I was 6 weeks pregnant at the time. After surgery, we discovered that the surgeon didn't clean my bile duct, so I still had stones. So I had an ERCP done, and a stent placed due to a hole in the bile duct. Four weeks later, I had to have that stent removed. During the hospital stay, I had a PCA pump, and I received phenergan (sp?) and demerol due to all the gas pain I had after surgery. During the two other procedures, I received versed and something else that I can't recall the name of. I'm happy to report that that baby is now 4 years old, and is perfectly healthy. :)

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.
From my own experience, yes. I had this when I was pregnant due to having my gall bladder removed, and having a couple of procedures after. I had my gall bladder removed under full anesthesia, and I was 6 weeks pregnant at the time. After surgery, we discovered that the surgeon didn't clean my bile duct, so I still had stones. So I had an ERCP done, and a stent placed due to a hole in the bile duct. Four weeks later, I had to have that stent removed. During the hospital stay, I had a PCA pump, and I received phenergan (sp?) and demerol due to all the gas pain I had after surgery. During the two other procedures, I received versed and something else that I can't recall the name of. I'm happy to report that that baby is now 4 years old, and is perfectly healthy. :)

You guys are great!!!!!! (also refering to AFwife too!)...I have an apprehension on BP changing drugs and pregancy (which Phen does!), and I just get red flags...but that doesn't mean I diss the idea...I just call..and sometimes..I get the ol "you are so stupid' lecture from docs...but least I ask! I am just so careful since my mother about lost me, and I lost 3! Go figure! LOL!

I will log that into my memory banks as being "don't call the doc silly!" unless I see significant s/sx! GOOD TO KNOW! (see students...even us 'ol salts' in nursing learn a few things or two!!!!!! AND I love it!!!!!).

Thanks AFWife, and Shay!!!!!!:)

Specializes in Med-surg; OB/Well baby; pulmonology; RTS.

Phenergan is ok to take in pregnancy. I was on it in my first pregnancy for hyperemesis and on it again in this pregnancy for the same reason.

You guys are great!!!!!! (also refering to AFwife too!)...I have an apprehension on BP changing drugs and pregancy (which Phen does!), and I just get red flags...but that doesn't mean I diss the idea...I just call..and sometimes..I get the ol "you are so stupid' lecture from docs...but least I ask!
Anybody who gives you the "you are so stupid" lecture for asking a question about the safety of giving a drug to a pregnant woman, save something like a prenatal vitamin, needs to be smacked in the head. :angryfire What a butthead. You keep on doing the right thing and asking. Lord knows I'm totally lost when it comes to those bizarre cardiac drugs and stuff. :rotfl:
Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Please do ask your health care provider before taking ANY medication, even those deemed 'safe" in pregnancy. NOTHING is 100% safe in every case as you know.

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