Published Aug 18, 2005
68 Posts
Okay, this is going to sound a bit funny.
I've been do the doctor...well, actually, I've been to TWO doctors now, and a chiropractor. I've been though a battery of tests, and felt like a pin cushin. And I'm reading here today that both stress and being tired are just as inhibiting as being drunk. NOw, I understand that, which is why I've tried some pretty strange things, beleive me.
I'm getting to the point.
I sleep a lot. I can sleep over 12 horus straight, let myself wake up naturally, and still feel exhusted. I've been this way since I was in high school, which is why I went to the doctors. I've tried different diets, mediucation, vitamins and suppliments, special beding, geting less sleep, more sleep...a whole SLEW of things, and no one can tell me why I'm so tired. B/c I'm tired, I get stressed easily, and I end up having to turn away and take a deep breath some days to keep from blowing up at work. It's so bad that I want to quit, but I don't want to basically be throwing away all the money and time I spent getting to where I am. I know I'm only a med aide, but that's still a LOT of time to me and money I really couldn't spare at the time.
So I'm just balling about what to do, b/c it seems like nothing is helping anything.
Any suggestions?
20,964 Posts
done a sleep study yet? I wonder if you have some sort of sleep disorder or apnea....
1,329 Posts
did anyone look into chronic fatigue syndrome? When I went thru it I felt the same as you. Did anyone look into thyroid issues? Did you ever get evaluated for depression?
I agree too about a sleep study. mabye you can ask about that too.
Good luck. I know how awful it is to be running around on empty all day.
yes, you did not state clearly
WHAT tests were done???!
yes, you did not state clearly WHAT tests were done???!
They checked my blood, thyroid, check me for depression (I was on anti-depresents for about 6 months, but they didn't change anything). Doctor at first thought it might be thyroid or iron levels, then depression. Best we've gotten to is I'm too stressed to relax, which is making me tired, which is making me more stressed, so I can't sleep...oh, you get the point. So I went to the chiropractor and got some acupressure and massages, but he said I'm too tense. =p
Unfortunately, I'm living in a small mid-western town with no car, so I'm pretty limited. I was told to go to Karney and get some major stuff done, but since I can't get there, don't have much choice in the matter.
1,350 Posts
Can you ask someone to drive you to the tests? You could pay gas and take them to lunch or something like that....
1 Post
Does anyone else in your family have the same problem? In my family we have several people with this same problem. We are alergic to wheat gluton. I wonder if it could be something as simple as that. I did a bunch a tests on myself several years ago because I suspected a food alergy. I fasted for a day and then ate just fruite and vegies for another day and then added one food a day until I found out what the trigger was. Now my whole family avoids wheat products and are all much more awake. Try looking up celiacs disease. It may give you so more info.
Does anyone else in your family have the same problem? In my family we have several people with this same problem.
Unfortunately not. My grandmother had me get tested for diabetes b/c it runs in the family, but I don't have least, not yet.
As for the ride to Karney, I've been trying for a couple of months, but unless I happen to catch someone going that way, no luck. Only time I COULD have gotten there was, unfortunately, a day I couldn't get off.
146 Posts
Do you snore? If so my bet would be for sleep apnea. My boyfriend just got a CPAP because he has apnea. It would be worth checking into if the ride situation works out.
Wife says I don't snore. I grit my teeth, though, and sometimes talk in my sleep according to her.
Looks like I might be moving back east sooner than I thought, though, so I might be able to go see my OLD doctor about it.
10 Articles; 19,000 Posts
Welcome to the bb Micheal.
See that you have had some of the standard tests done to rule out medical conditions as cause of fatigue.
As nurses and reviewing symptoms over the internet, we can only point out problems/diseases to consider.
Sleep Apnea and sleep disturbances highly under-diagnosed. Based on what you've written, take a look at this sleep questionnaire
Info on sleep apnea and related disorders here.
Good Luck and glad to see that you plan to followup with a healthcare practitioner.
Thank you very much.