Medical Terms Patients Have Misunderstood

Nurses General Nursing


As patients we sometimes misunderstand terms that you guys as medical profesionals use. I am sure there are some funny stories of these misunderstandings.

My story. A few months ago I was having an MRI because I had not been hungery for a few months and had been getting sick. My specialist wanted to make sure it was not a tumor since I have Neurofibromatosis. I stopped by to say hi to her NP before it and she happened to come in. At this point I was wearing a patch over my eye because I could not wear my prosthetic eye for a little while.

She turns to me, "Oh no you have that metal in your head don't you?" and I said yes. She realized since she had had an MRI just 3 days prior that might be a problem. She paged my plastic surgeon who calls her back. He says it is ok and then aparently asks why I need it, because she states, "Oh, she has anorexia and vomiting"

I FREAKED!!!!!!! I did not know what to say. I did not realize that anorexia is a medical term for not eating and anorexia nervosa is the eating disorder. I have known this doc for 12 years and was (until I understood the misunderstanding) upset that she thought I would do that to myself.

I said nothing to her but came home and told my mom (who used to be a nurse). She informed me of the misunderstanding. Man was I embarrassed that I had gotten upset.

What are your stories of patients misunderstanding terms that had been used.

Specializes in Ortho, Case Management, blabla.

I once had an older lady with dementia as a patient that just grumbled about everything all the time. She was really melodramatic about everything...I'd guess that she was probably a bit of a diva in her younger days. She was pretty fun to take care of though for the few days that I had her.

She'd throw her hand up to her brow and say, "Doctor! Doctor! I am so happy to see you. I'm so miserable. I don't know what to do!" Not in a way that she meant she wanted me to do anything, she knew we were doing everything we could, but just that's how she vented her feelings. I'd say, "I'm not a doctor, ma'am." She'd say, "I know! But to me you're my doctor! I never ever seen the doctor here. That doctor was here for 5 minutes earlier and didn't say a word to me. You should have been a doctor! Why don't you go back to school and be doctor??" Repeat this conversation every other time I'd go in her room.

Anyways, this one night she was doing her super-dramatic "I'm so miserable" schpiel (I think she liked playing the role of patient). Anyways, she threw her hands in the air and said gloomily, "Oh Doctor...I can't live like this forever! I don't know when this will stop! Sometimes I think it would just be better if someone circumsized me..:pntlft:" (she meant to say euthanized, I think). I said, "Oh Ma'am, I don't think anyone would ever circumsize a sweet lady like you!" And I had to run out of the room and laughed my butt off.. :lghmky:

Hey JustaPatient, never be afraid to ask questions!!! If you don't fully understand something (or if you misunderstand something), you have every right to ask, and I'm sure that NP would have said, "Oh, sorry!" and explained it to you!!! *All* patients need to ask questions!!!!!!!! Sometimes we forget that we need to simplfy, or we use medical terms/abbreviations without realizing it!!!! Just say, "wait, what?", and we'll be glad to 'splain it to you! ;)

Thing is she was not talking to me. She was talking ABOUT me on the phone to another one of my doctors with me sitting there. lol

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