Med/Surg too much, what now?


Well my manager and I finally had the big talk. I told her that I was not happy on my unit. Med/surg is too much for me. I graduated school last December. I knew Med/surg was not right for me even then..but I took the job because I had no experience and my mother knew the DON. I cannot handle the stress of having as many as 7-8 patients a day, with admits and discharges. I was fine working in ICU with a preceptor with 1-2 patients that were on a normal schedule.

But I've been working for three months now. I just can't seem to get a pace set down and my own rhythm going. Orientation is horrid, I was on it for 5 weeks, got to work on my own for 2 months then they decided after I had a panic attack on nights to do orientation on day shift. I've not been trying to get back on my own for three weeks now and they still don't feel I'm ready due to my pacing and organization.

The issue is now I need to start looking for another job asap. I need to keep working there until I do find something.

Is this just going to be a problem on any unit? Is there somewhere I can go where pacing is more even and I can actually collect my thoughts?

I wish we still had paper charting! It's soooo much faster than clicking all over the place, and it's very clear where you left off and what is left to do. Can't stand the hours and hours of charting in Epic.

Specializes in Critical Care; Recovery.

Try getting your charting done while at the bedside for your shift assessment. Don't plan on having time to do it later. Then immediately get ready for your med pass.

Yes, I believe despite the higher acuity, it is better to have 2 really sick patients in ICU where you are at least monitoring them more closely and have the knowledge to help them, than having 6 or 7 patients on the floor that you have little time to focus on.

Paper charting takes less time. 5 acute patients on a med surg floor is insane and dangerous, especially when 3 different doctors want to round at the same time! They wonder why healthcare has gone to the dumps, possibly the charge nurses or management could learn how to organize staffing ratios better(?) when I was a charge nurse we helped out and had a patient ratio. I'd bet these people overseeing nurse patient ratios would be crying in a corner and refusing the assignment if it was them!dangerous is what it has become.

Specializes in PCCN.
Paper charting takes less time. 5 acute patients on a med surg floor is insane and dangerous, especially when 3 different doctors want to round at the same time! They wonder why healthcare has gone to the dumps, possibly the charge nurses or management could learn how to organize staffing ratios better(?) when I was a charge nurse we helped out and had a patient ratio. I'd bet these people overseeing nurse patient ratios would be crying in a corner and refusing the assignment if it was them!dangerous is what it has become.

my floor just changed to 5:1 days from 3-4:1. This is a stepdown/IMC floor. Came from above. Charge and manager have no say. Well, they do have say " you dont like it, leave" :(

Re: paper charting- what I wouldn't ( or is it would ?) give to have paper charting again. seriously, epic has made charting 3 x longer

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